/opt/stack/tempest ~ Initializing stestr all-plugin create: /opt/stack/tempest/.tox/all-plugin all-plugin installdeps: -chttps://releases.openstack.org/constraints/upper/master, -r/opt/stack/tempest/requirements.txt all-plugin develop-inst: /opt/stack/tempest all-plugin installed: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/secretstorage/dhcrypto.py:15: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: int_from_bytes is deprecated, use int.from_bytes instead, from cryptography.utils import int_from_bytes,/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/secretstorage/util.py:19: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: int_from_bytes is deprecated, use int.from_bytes instead, from cryptography.utils import 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tempest.api.network.test_agent_management_negative.AgentManagementNegativeTest.test_list_agents_non_admin [0.738932s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.admin.test_metering_extensions.MeteringIpV6TestJSON.test_create_delete_metering_label_rule_with_filters [1.331980s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.admin.test_metering_extensions.MeteringIpV6TestJSON.test_create_delete_metering_label_with_filters [0.955690s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.admin.test_metering_extensions.MeteringIpV6TestJSON.test_list_metering_label_rules [0.117458s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.admin.test_metering_extensions.MeteringIpV6TestJSON.test_list_metering_labels [0.040482s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.admin.test_metering_extensions.MeteringIpV6TestJSON.test_show_metering_label [0.193944s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.admin.test_metering_extensions.MeteringIpV6TestJSON.test_show_metering_label_rule [0.377814s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.admin.test_external_network_extension.ExternalNetworksTestJSON.test_create_external_network [3.428706s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.admin.test_dhcp_agent_scheduler.DHCPAgentSchedulersTestJSON.test_add_remove_network_from_dhcp_agent [10.550973s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.admin.test_dhcp_agent_scheduler.DHCPAgentSchedulersTestJSON.test_list_dhcp_agent_hosting_network [0.657406s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.admin.test_quotas.QuotasTest.test_quotas [3.418032s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.admin.test_dhcp_agent_scheduler.DHCPAgentSchedulersTestJSON.test_list_networks_hosted_by_one_dhcp [1.371227s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.admin.test_quotas.QuotasTest.test_show_quota_details [2.953748s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.admin.test_external_network_extension.ExternalNetworksTestJSON.test_delete_external_networks_with_floating_ip [28.174395s] ... ok {6} 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tempest.api.network.admin.test_metering_extensions.MeteringTestJSON.test_list_metering_labels [0.048843s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.admin.test_metering_extensions.MeteringTestJSON.test_show_metering_label [0.166647s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.admin.test_metering_extensions.MeteringTestJSON.test_show_metering_label_rule [0.047002s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_create_delete_subnet_with_gw [6.201488s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_floating_ips.FloatingIPTestJSON.test_create_floating_ip_specifying_a_fixed_ip_address [10.011120s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_dhcp_ipv6.NetworksTestDHCPv6.test_dhcp_stateful_fixedips_duplicate [7.421377s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_create_delete_subnet_with_gw_and_allocation_pools [5.282527s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_dhcp_ipv6.NetworksTestDHCPv6.test_dhcp_stateful_fixedips_outrange [4.253457s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.admin.test_ports.PortsAdminExtendedAttrsTestJSON.test_create_port_binding_ext_attr [3.888143s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_create_delete_subnet_with_host_routes_and_dns_nameservers [7.669675s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_floating_ips.FloatingIPTestJSON.test_create_list_show_update_delete_floating_ip [12.387926s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_create_server.ServersTestManualDisk.test_verify_created_server_vcpus [26.094268s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_create_server.ServersTestManualDisk.test_verify_server_details [0.000934s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.admin.test_ports.PortsAdminExtendedAttrsTestJSON.test_list_ports_binding_ext_attr [4.466511s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_create_delete_subnet_without_gateway [5.084739s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_create_server.ServersTestJSON.test_verify_created_server_vcpus [26.876647s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_create_server.ServersTestJSON.test_verify_server_details [0.000600s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.admin.test_ports.PortsAdminExtendedAttrsTestJSON.test_show_port_binding_ext_attr [4.732182s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_create_update_delete_network_subnet [13.335755s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.admin.test_ports.PortsAdminExtendedAttrsTestJSON.test_update_port_binding_ext_attr [12.974913s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_lock_unlock_server [38.901319s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_create_update_network_description [3.492766s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersAdminTest.test_create_router_set_gateway_with_fixed_ip [23.471540s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersAdminTest.test_create_router_setting_project_id [2.685968s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_floating_ips.FloatingIPTestJSON.test_create_update_floatingip_with_port_multiple_ip_address [25.451871s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_dhcp_ipv6.NetworksTestDHCPv6.test_dhcp_stateful_router [33.862180s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_pause_unpause_server [7.993300s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_delete_network_with_subnet [10.739745s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_external_network_visibility [1.912757s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_list_networks [0.959485s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_fields [0.661064s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_list_subnets [0.184278s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_list_subnets_fields [0.181485s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_show_network [0.413351s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_show_network_fields [0.321189s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_show_subnet [0.119662s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_show_subnet_fields [1.223881s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersAdminTest.test_create_router_with_default_snat_value [14.627101s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksTest.test_update_subnet_gw_dns_host_routes_dhcp [8.216769s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_allowed_address_pair.AllowedAddressPairTestJSON.test_create_list_port_with_address_pair [6.683791s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers_dvr.RoutersTestDVR.test_centralized_router_creation [2.233440s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_floating_ips.FloatingIPTestJSON.test_floating_ip_delete_port [22.809705s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_ports.PortsAdminExtendedAttrsIpV6TestJSON.test_create_port_binding_ext_attr [8.534524s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers_dvr.RoutersTestDVR.test_centralized_router_update_to_dvr [4.924778s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_allowed_address_pair.AllowedAddressPairTestJSON.test_update_port_with_address_pair [8.016319s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers_dvr.RoutersTestDVR.test_distributed_router_creation [1.885981s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_ports.PortsAdminExtendedAttrsIpV6TestJSON.test_list_ports_binding_ext_attr [8.523492s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_ports.PortsAdminExtendedAttrsIpV6TestJSON.test_show_port_binding_ext_attr [3.256699s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_allowed_address_pair.AllowedAddressPairTestJSON.test_update_port_with_cidr_address_pair [8.271536s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersAdminTest.test_create_router_with_snat_explicit [25.585025s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_ports.PortsAdminExtendedAttrsIpV6TestJSON.test_update_port_binding_ext_attr [8.333014s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_create_bulk_port [9.983219s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers_negative.RoutersAdminNegativeIpV6Test.test_router_set_gateway_used_ip_returns_409 [9.007949s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_allowed_address_pair.AllowedAddressPairTestJSON.test_update_port_with_multiple_ip_mac_address_pair [13.868133s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersAdminTest.test_update_router_reset_gateway_without_snat [21.676728s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_create_port_in_allowed_allocation_pools [15.163296s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_dhcp_ipv6.NetworksTestDHCPv6.test_dhcpv6_64_subnets [60.941594s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_dhcp_ipv6.NetworksTestDHCPv6.test_dhcpv6_invalid_options [2.727760s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers_negative.RoutersAdminNegativeTest.test_router_set_gateway_used_ip_returns_409 [15.666044s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersAdminTest.test_update_router_set_gateway [15.256847s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_create_port_with_no_securitygroups [15.480134s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_create_delete_subnet_with_dhcp_enabled [9.554571s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_create_show_delete_port_user_defined_mac [7.484834s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersIpV6AdminTest.test_create_router_set_gateway_with_fixed_ip [31.388500s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_create_delete_subnet_with_gw [3.183508s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_floating_ips.FloatingIPTestJSON.test_floating_ip_update_different_router [62.257065s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_list_update_show_delete_security_group [4.616385s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersIpV6AdminTest.test_create_router_setting_project_id [2.311262s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_dhcp_ipv6.NetworksTestDHCPv6.test_dhcpv6_stateless_eui64 [23.591658s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_create_update_delete_port [4.600568s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_additional_args [3.846186s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersAdminTest.test_update_router_set_gateway_with_snat_explicit [14.461165s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_create_delete_subnet_with_gw_and_allocation_pools [7.752082s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_icmp_type_code [8.230962s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersIpV6AdminTest.test_create_router_with_default_snat_value [10.667937s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_create_delete_subnet_with_host_routes_and_dns_nameservers [5.893178s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_protocol_integer_value [3.202641s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersAdminTest.test_update_router_set_gateway_without_snat [11.440504s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_dhcp_ipv6.NetworksTestDHCPv6.test_dhcpv6_stateless_no_ra [15.016595s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_remote_group_id [4.237104s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_create_delete_subnet_without_gateway [6.969744s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_remote_ip_prefix [4.632350s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_create_update_port_with_second_ip [20.617642s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_create_list_subnet_with_no_gw64_one_network [4.049567s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_list_ports [0.795159s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_list_ports_fields [0.300759s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_dhcp_ipv6.NetworksTestDHCPv6.test_dhcpv6_stateless_no_ra_no_dhcp [8.130232s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_networks.BulkNetworkOpsTest.test_bulk_create_delete_network [7.554034s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersAdminTest.test_update_router_unset_gateway [13.626910s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_show_delete_security_group_rule [7.635268s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupIPv6Test.test_delete_security_group_clear_associated_rules [2.398361s] ... ok {1} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupIPv6Test.test_list_security_groups [0.178684s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersIpV6AdminTest.test_create_router_with_snat_explicit [22.318631s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_networks_negative.NetworksNegativeTestJSON.test_create_port_on_non_existent_network [0.256080s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_networks_negative.NetworksNegativeTestJSON.test_delete_non_existent_network [0.087640s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_networks_negative.NetworksNegativeTestJSON.test_delete_non_existent_port [0.057617s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_networks_negative.NetworksNegativeTestJSON.test_delete_non_existent_subnet [0.121488s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_networks_negative.NetworksNegativeTestJSON.test_show_non_existent_network [0.033405s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_networks_negative.NetworksNegativeTestJSON.test_show_non_existent_port [0.054703s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_networks_negative.NetworksNegativeTestJSON.test_show_non_existent_subnet [0.067584s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_networks_negative.NetworksNegativeTestJSON.test_update_non_existent_network [0.073033s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_create_update_delete_network_subnet [12.522870s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_networks_negative.NetworksNegativeTestJSON.test_update_non_existent_port [0.129231s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_networks_negative.NetworksNegativeTestJSON.test_update_non_existent_subnet [0.129317s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_create_update_network_description [1.879830s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_external_network_visibility [1.030878s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_list_networks [0.464783s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.DvrRoutersNegativeTest.test_router_create_tenant_distributed_returns_forbidden [0.246236s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_port_list_filter_by_ip [15.294928s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_list_networks_fields [0.535704s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_list_subnets [0.132093s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_list_subnets_fields [0.194159s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_show_network [0.324271s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_networks.BulkNetworkOpsTest.test_bulk_create_delete_port [11.935087s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_show_network_fields [0.392516s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_show_subnet [0.148622s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_show_subnet_fields [0.154016s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_networks.BulkNetworkOpsTest.test_bulk_create_delete_subnet [7.075914s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersIpV6AdminTest.test_update_router_reset_gateway_without_snat [15.636344s] ... ok {6} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_update_subnet_gw_dns_host_routes_dhcp [11.247381s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_port_list_filter_by_ip_substr [19.417067s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersIpV6AdminTest.test_update_router_set_gateway [15.800387s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeIpV6Test.test_add_router_interfaces_on_overlapping_subnets_returns_400 [21.364396s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeIpV6Test.test_delete_non_existent_router_returns_404 [0.060574s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeIpV6Test.test_router_add_gateway_invalid_network_returns_404 [0.336375s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeIpV6Test.test_router_add_gateway_net_not_external_returns_400 [2.528007s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_create_bulk_port [9.184893s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersIpV6AdminTest.test_update_router_set_gateway_with_snat_explicit [9.954828s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_port_list_filter_by_router_id [19.196706s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_show_port [0.181439s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_show_port_fields [0.076859s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_dhcp_ipv6.NetworksTestDHCPv6.test_dhcpv6_two_subnets [54.026178s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeIpV6Test.test_router_remove_interface_in_use_returns_409 [11.707762s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeIpV6Test.test_show_non_existent_router_returns_404 [0.110400s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeIpV6Test.test_update_non_existent_router_returns_404 [0.228053s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_create_port_in_allowed_allocation_pools [10.379529s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersIpV6AdminTest.test_update_router_set_gateway_without_snat [9.995087s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_create_port_with_no_securitygroups [8.786865s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_update_port_with_security_group_and_extra_attributes [12.606354s] ... ok {1} tempest.scenario.test_server_advanced_ops.TestServerAdvancedOps.test_server_sequence_suspend_resume [46.355914s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_extra_dhcp_options.ExtraDHCPOptionsIpV6TestJSON.test_create_list_port_with_extra_dhcp_options [3.741929s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.admin.test_routers.RoutersIpV6AdminTest.test_update_router_unset_gateway [10.844906s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_extra_dhcp_options.ExtraDHCPOptionsIpV6TestJSON.test_update_show_port_with_extra_dhcp_options [1.349277s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_create_show_delete_port_user_defined_mac [6.058395s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_subnetpools_extensions.SubnetPoolsTestJSON.test_create_list_show_update_delete_subnetpools [1.266105s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_create_update_delete_port [3.540435s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_versions.NetworksApiDiscovery.test_api_version_resources [0.014927s] ... ok {4} tempest.api.network.test_versions.NetworksApiDiscovery.test_show_api_v2_details [0.108187s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.test_extensions.ExtensionsTestJSON.test_list_show_extensions [1.618124s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsTestJSON.test_update_port_with_two_security_groups_and_extra_attributes [13.525890s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_extra_dhcp_options.ExtraDHCPOptionsTestJSON.test_create_list_port_with_extra_dhcp_options [6.635798s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_extra_dhcp_options.ExtraDHCPOptionsTestJSON.test_update_show_port_with_extra_dhcp_options [1.220774s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_create_update_port_with_second_ip [17.277845s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_list_ports [0.195205s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_list_ports_fields [0.101302s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6TestAttrs.test_create_delete_slaac_subnet_with_ports [6.122435s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6TestAttrs.test_create_delete_stateless_subnet_with_ports [6.495219s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6TestAttrs.test_create_delete_subnet_with_v6_attributes_slaac [4.325400s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_networks.BulkNetworkOpsIpV6Test.test_bulk_create_delete_network [6.532466s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_reboot_server_hard [216.434644s] ... FAILED Captured traceback: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/ssh.py", line 131, in _get_ssh_connection ssh.connect(self.host, port=self.port, username=self.username, File "/opt/stack/tempest/.tox/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 368, in connect raise NoValidConnectionsError(errors) paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError: [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/api/compute/servers/test_server_actions.py", line 161, in test_reboot_server_hard self._test_reboot_server('HARD') File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/api/compute/servers/test_server_actions.py", line 133, in _test_reboot_server boot_time = linux_client.get_boot_time() File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/common/utils/linux/remote_client.py", line 86, in get_boot_time boot_secs = self.exec_command(cmd) File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/utils/linux/remote_client.py", line 31, in wrapper return function(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/utils/linux/remote_client.py", line 109, in exec_command return self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd) File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/ssh.py", line 182, in exec_command ssh = self._get_ssh_connection() File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/ssh.py", line 150, in _get_ssh_connection raise exceptions.SSHTimeout(host=self.host, tempest.lib.exceptions.SSHTimeout: Connection to the via SSH timed out. User: ubuntu, Password: A2&2O9CoVo4t5Bi Captured pythonlogging: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2022-02-09 10:32:31,874 118295 INFO [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request (ServerActionsTestJSON:setUp): 200 GET 0.986s 2022-02-09 10:32:31,875 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request - Headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': ''} Body: None Response - Headers: {'date': 'Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:30 GMT', 'server': 'Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)', 'content-length': '1668', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'openstack-api-version': 'compute 2.1', 'x-openstack-nova-api-version': '2.1', 'vary': 'OpenStack-API-Version,X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'req-f8c1269e-1d81-48db-9484-78c23a30563d', 'x-compute-request-id': 'req-f8c1269e-1d81-48db-9484-78c23a30563d', 'connection': 'close', 'status': '200', 'content-location': ''} Body: b'{"server": {"id": "c8155bf8-00fe-461c-a72f-0cd4eb455668", "name": "tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-server-746226516", "status": "ACTIVE", "tenant_id": "44e1b99ee5bc4392b326fbbefd177fca", "user_id": "2bf6b25e07d848cdbd7361a139e4f103", "metadata": {}, "hostId": "4212522c52fbda05952210efe0059dbc4c425c3f1f9240230b871e74", "image": {"id": "621e838c-8ae1-4ede-b3ba-632b1367d04a", "links": [{"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "flavor": {"id": "452", "links": [{"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "created": "2022-02-09T10:31:00Z", "updated": "2022-02-09T10:32:28Z", "addresses": {"tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-2102525123-network": [{"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}, {"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}]}, "accessIPv4": "", "accessIPv6": "", "links": [{"rel": "self", "href": ""}, {"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}], "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL", "progress": 0, "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "nova", "config_drive": "True", "key_name": "tempest-keypair-523295260", "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": "2022-02-09T10:31:32.000000", "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at": null, "security_groups": [{"name": "tempest-securitygroup--1333723329"}], "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": null, "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active", "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 1, "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached": []}}' 2022-02-09 10:32:33,557 118295 INFO [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request (ServerActionsTestJSON:test_reboot_server_hard): 200 GET 1.675s 2022-02-09 10:32:33,558 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request - Headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': ''} Body: None Response - Headers: {'date': 'Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:31 GMT', 'server': 'Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)', 'content-length': '1668', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'openstack-api-version': 'compute 2.1', 'x-openstack-nova-api-version': '2.1', 'vary': 'OpenStack-API-Version,X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'req-2e673229-9aad-4ee3-adda-60df35a5a504', 'x-compute-request-id': 'req-2e673229-9aad-4ee3-adda-60df35a5a504', 'connection': 'close', 'status': '200', 'content-location': ''} Body: b'{"server": {"id": "c8155bf8-00fe-461c-a72f-0cd4eb455668", "name": "tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-server-746226516", "status": "ACTIVE", "tenant_id": "44e1b99ee5bc4392b326fbbefd177fca", "user_id": "2bf6b25e07d848cdbd7361a139e4f103", "metadata": {}, "hostId": "4212522c52fbda05952210efe0059dbc4c425c3f1f9240230b871e74", "image": {"id": "621e838c-8ae1-4ede-b3ba-632b1367d04a", "links": [{"re l": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "flavor": {"id": "452", "links": [{"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "created": "2022-02-09T10:31:00Z", "updated": "2022-02-09T10:32:28Z", "addresses": {"tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-2102525123-network": [{"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}, {"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}]}, "accessIPv4": "", "accessIPv6": "", "links": [{"rel": "self", "href": ""}, {"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}], "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL", "progress": 0, "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "nova", "config_drive": "True", "key_name": "tempest-keypair-523295260", "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": "2022-02-09T10:31:32.000000", "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at": null, "security_groups": [{"name": "tempest-securitygroup--1333723329"}], "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": null, "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active", "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 1, "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached": []}}' 2022-02-09 10:32:33,582 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.utils.linux.remote_client] Remote command: set -eu -o pipefail; PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin; cut -f1 -d. /proc/uptime 2022-02-09 10:32:33,582 118295 INFO [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Creating ssh connection to '' as 'ubuntu' with public key authentication 2022-02-09 10:32:36,635 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 1. Retry after 2 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:32:42,203 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 2. Retry after 3 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:32:48,763 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 3. Retry after 4 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:32:56,351 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 4. Retry after 5 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:33:04,923 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 5. Retry after 6 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:33:14,491 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 6. Retry after 7 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:33:25,051 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 7. Retry after 8 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:33:36,635 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 8. Retry after 9 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:33:49,211 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 9. Retry after 10 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:34:02,783 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 10. Retry after 11 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:34:17,371 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authent icated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 11. Retry after 12 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:34:32,959 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 12. Retry after 13 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:34:49,531 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 13. Retry after 14 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:35:07,099 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 14. Retry after 15 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:35:25,691 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 15. Retry after 16 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:35:45,275 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 16. Retry after 17 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:36:05,851 118295 ERROR [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ after 16 attempts. Proxy client: no proxy client 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh Traceback (most recent call last): 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/ssh.py", line 131, in _get_ssh_connection 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh ssh.connect(self.host, port=self.port, username=self.username, 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh File "/opt/stack/tempest/.tox/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 368, in connect 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh raise NoValidConnectionsError(errors) 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError: [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh 2022-02-09 10:36:05,856 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.utils.linux.remote_client] Caller: ServerActionsTestJSON:test_reboot_server_hard. Timeout trying to ssh to server {'id': 'c8155bf8-00fe-461c-a72f-0cd4eb455668', 'name': 'tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-server-746226516', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'tenant_id': '44e1b99ee5bc4392b326fbbefd177fca', 'user_id': '2bf6b25e07d848cdbd7361a139e4f103', 'metadata': {}, 'hostId': '4212522c52fbda05952210efe0059dbc4c425c3f1f9240230b871e74', 'image': {'id': '621e838c-8ae1-4ede-b3ba-632b1367d04a', 'links': [{'rel': 'bookmark', 'href': ''}]}, 'flavor': {'id': '452', 'links': [{'rel': 'bookmark', 'href': ''}]}, 'created': '2022-02-09T10:31:00Z', 'updated': '2022-02-09T10:32:28Z', 'addresses': {'tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-2102525123-network': [{'version': 4, 'addr': '', 'OS-EXT-IPS:type': 'fixed', 'OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr': 'fa:16:3e:07:12:45'}, {'version': 4, 'addr': '', 'OS-EXT-IPS:type': 'floating', 'OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr': 'fa:16:3e:07:12:45'}]}, 'accessIPv4': '', 'accessIPv6': '', 'links': [{'rel': 'self', 'href': ''}, {'rel': 'bookmark', 'href': ''}], 'OS-DCF:diskConfig': 'MANUAL', 'progress': 0, 'OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone': 'nova', 'config_drive': 'True', 'key_name': 'tempest-keypair-523295260', 'OS-SRV-USG:launched_at': '2022-02-09T10:31:32.000000', 'OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at': None, 'security_groups': [{'name': 'tempest-securitygroup--1333723329'}] , 'OS-EXT-STS:task_state': None, 'OS-EXT-STS:vm_state': 'active', 'OS-EXT-STS:power_state': 1, 'os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached': []} 2022-02-09 10:36:06,259 118295 INFO [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request (ServerActionsTestJSON:test_reboot_server_hard): 200 POST 0.403s 2022-02-09 10:36:06,261 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request - Headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': ''} Body: {"os-getConsoleOutput": {}} Response - Headers: {'date': 'Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:36:05 GMT', 'server': 'Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)', 'content-length': '56928', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'openstack-api-version': 'compute 2.1', 'x-openstack-nova-api-version': '2.1', 'vary': 'OpenStack-API-Version,X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'req-274994cc-1481-41a3-93ae-faec304a08aa', 'x-compute-request-id': 'req-274994cc-1481-41a3-93ae-faec304a08aa', 'connection': 'close', 'status': '200', 'content-location': ''} Body: b'{"output": "[ 0.000000] Linux version 4.15.0-1018-azure (buildd@lgw01-amd64-021) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10)) #18~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 19 13:13:57 UTC 2018 (Ubuntu 4.15.0-1018.18~16.04.1-azure 4.15.18)\\n[ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1018-azure root=PARTUUID=927a77ea-01 ro console=tty1 console=ttyS0\\n[ 0.000000] KERNEL supported cpus:\\n[ 0.000000] Intel GenuineIntel\\n[ 0.000000] AMD AuthenticAMD\\n[ 0.000000] Centaur CentaurHauls\\n[ 0.000000] x86/fpu: x87 FPU will use FXSAVE\\n[ 0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000e0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff] usable\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003fff0000-0x000000003fffefff] ACPI data\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003ffff000-0x000000003fffffff] ACPI NVS\\n[ 0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active\\n[ 0.000000] SMBIOS 2.3 present.\\n[ 0.000000] DMI: Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine/Virtual Machine, BIOS 090006 04/28/2016\\n[ 0.000000] Hypervisor detected: Microsoft Hyper-V\\n[ 0.000000] Hyper-V: features 0x2e7f, hints 0xc2c\\n[ 0.000000] Hyper-V Host Build:14393-10.0-2-0.2035\\n[ 0.000000] Hyper-V: LAPIC Timer Frequency: 0xc3500\\n[ 0.000000] tsc: Marking TSC unstable due to running on Hyper-V\\n[ 0.000000] Hyper-V: Using ext hypercall for remote TLB flush\\n[ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x3fff0 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000\\n[ 0.000000] x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB WC UC- UC WB WP UC- WT \\n[ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000ff780-0x000ff78f] mapped at [ (ptrval)]\\n[ 0.000000] Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption\\n[ 0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x36660000-0x37327fff]\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F56F0 000014 (v00 ACPIAM)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDT 0x000000003FFF0000 000040 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x000000003FFF0200 000081 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x000000003FFF1724 0033BE (v01 MSFTVM MSFTVM02 00000002 INTL 02002026)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x000000003FFFF000 000040\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: WAET 0x000000003FFF1480 000028 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SLIC 0x000000003FFF14C0 000176 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: OEM0 0x000000003FFF16C0 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT 0x000000003FFF0600 0000E0 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 0000 0001 MSFT 00000001)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x000000003FFF0300 000252 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: OEMB 0x000000003FFFF040 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] SRAT: PXM 0 -> APIC 0x00 -> Node 0\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x00000000-0x3fffffff] hotplug\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x40200000-0xf7ffffff] hotplug\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x100000000-0xfdfffffff] hotplug\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x1000000000-0xffffffffff] hotplug\\n[ 0.000000] NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x3ffc5000-0x3ffeffff]\\n[ 0.000000] Zone ranges:\\n[ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff]\\n[ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x000000003ffeffff]\\n[ 0.000000] Normal empty\\n[ 0.000000] Device empty\\n[ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node\\n[ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges\\n[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff]\\n[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff]\\n[ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000 2022-02-09 10:36:06,264 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.utils.linux.remote_client] Console log for server c8155bf8-00fe-461c-a72f-0cd4eb455668: [ 0.000000] Linux version 4.15.0-1018-azure (buildd@lgw01-amd64-021) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10)) #18~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 19 13:13:57 UTC 2018 (Ubuntu 4.15.0-1018.18~16.04.1-azure 4.15.18) [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1018-azure root=PARTUUID=927a77ea-01 ro console=tty1 console=ttyS0 [ 0.000000] KERNEL supported cpus: [ 0.000000] Intel GenuineIntel [ 0.000000] AMD AuthenticAMD [ 0.000000] Centaur CentaurHauls [ 0.000000] x86/fpu: x87 FPU will use FXSAVE [ 0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map: [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000e0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff] usable [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003fff0000-0x000000003fffefff] ACPI data [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003ffff000-0x000000003fffffff] ACPI NVS [ 0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active [ 0.000000] SMBIOS 2.3 present. [ 0.000000] DMI: Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine/Virtual Machine, BIOS 090006 04/28/2016 [ 0.000000] Hypervisor detected: Microsoft Hyper-V [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: features 0x2e7f, hints 0xc2c [ 0.000000] Hyper-V Host Build:14393-10.0-2-0.2035 [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: LAPIC Timer Frequency: 0xc3500 [ 0.000000] tsc: Marking TSC unstable due to running on Hyper-V [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: Using ext hypercall for remote TLB flush [ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x3fff0 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000 [ 0.000000] x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB WC UC- UC WB WP UC- WT [ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000ff780-0x000ff78f] mapped at [ (ptrval)] [ 0.000000] Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption [ 0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x36660000-0x37327fff] [ 0.000000] ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F56F0 000014 (v00 ACPIAM) [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDT 0x000000003FFF0000 000040 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x000000003FFF0200 000081 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x000000003FFF1724 0033BE (v01 MSFTVM MSFTVM02 00000002 INTL 02002026) [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x000000003FFFF000 000040 [ 0.000000] ACPI: WAET 0x000000003FFF1480 000028 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: SLIC 0x000000003FFF14C0 000176 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: OEM0 0x000000003FFF16C0 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] A CPI: SRAT 0x000000003FFF0600 0000E0 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 00000001 MSFT 00000001) [ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x000000003FFF0300 000252 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: OEMB 0x000000003FFFF040 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] SRAT: PXM 0 -> APIC 0x00 -> Node 0 [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x00000000-0x3fffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x40200000-0xf7ffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x100000000-0xfdfffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x1000000000-0xffffffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x3ffc5000-0x3ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Zone ranges: [ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff] [ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Normal empty [ 0.000000] Device empty [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Reserved but unavailable: 98 pages [ 0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x408 [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0xff] dfl dfl lint[0x1]) [ 0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 0, version 17, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23 [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl) [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level) [ 0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information [ 0.000000] smpboot: Allowing 1 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs [ 0.000000] e820: [mem 0x40000000-0xffffffff] available for PCI devices [ 0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware [ 0.000000] clocksource: refined-jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645519600211568 ns [ 0.000000] random: get_random_bytes called from start_kernel+0x99/0x51b with crng_init=0 [ 0.000000] setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:8192 nr_cpumask_bits:1 nr_cpu_ids:1 nr_node_ids:1 [ 0.000000] percpu: Embedded 45 pages/cpu @ (ptrval) s147456 r8192 d28672 u2097152 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 257913 [ 0.000000] Policy zone: DMA32 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1018-azure root=PARTUUID=927a77ea-01 ro console=tty1 console=ttyS0 [ 0.000000] Memory: 926704K/1048120K available (12300K kernel code, 2283K rwdata, 3972K rodata, 2248K init, 2372K bss, 121416K reserved, 0K cma-reserved) [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1 [ 0.000000] Kernel/User page tables isolation: enabled [ 0.000000] ftrace: allocating 37806 entries in 148 pages [ 0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=8192 to nr_cpu_ids=1. [ 0.000000] Tasks RCU enabled. [ 0.000000] RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=1 [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 524544, nr_irqs: 256, preallocated irqs: 16 [ 0.000000] Console: colour VGA+ 80x25 [ 0.000000] console [tty1] enabled [ 0.000000] console [ttyS0] enabled [ 0.000000] ACPI: Core revision 20170831 [ 0.000000] ACPI: 1 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded [ 0.000000] APIC: Switch to symmetric I/O mode setup [ 0.004000] clocksource: hyperv_clocksource_tsc_page: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x24e6a1710, max_idle_ns: 440795202120 ns [ 0.112000] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1 [ 0.116000] tsc: Detected 1995.191 MHz processor [ 0.120000] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 3990.38 BogoMIPS (lpj=7980764) [ 0.124005] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.128054] Security Framework initialized [ 0.132006] Yama: becoming mindful. [ 0.136340] AppArmor: AppArmor initialized [ 0.140000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 104 8576 bytes) [ 0.140102] Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) [ 0.144023] Mount-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.148010] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.152517] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0 [ 0.156380] mce: CPU supports 1 MCE banks [ 0.160109] Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 8, 4MB 8 [ 0.164000] Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 32, 4MB 32, 1GB 0 [ 0.168005] Spectre V2 : Mitigation: Full generic retpoline [ 0.172005] Speculative Store Bypass: Vulnerable [ 0.237549] Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 36K [ 0.240864] smpboot: CPU0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430L 0 @ 2.00GHz (family: 0x6, model: 0x2d, stepping: 0x7) [ 0.244092] Performance Events: unsupported p6 CPU model 45 no PMU driver, software events only. [ 0.248083] Hierarchical SRCU implementation. [ 0.252783] NMI watchdog: Perf event create on CPU 0 failed with -2 [ 0.256004] NMI watchdog: Perf NMI watchdog permanently disabled [ 0.260068] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ... [ 0.264006] smp: Brought up 1 node, 1 CPU [ 0.268005] smpboot: Max logical packages: 1 [ 0.272006] smpboot: Total of 1 processors activated (3990.38 BogoMIPS) [ 0.280048] devtmpfs: initialized [ 0.284083] x86/mm: Memory block size: 128MB [ 0.288270] evm: security.selinux [ 0.292004] evm: security.SMACK64 [ 0.296004] evm: security.SMACK64EXEC [ 0.300004] evm: security.SMACK64TRANSMUTE [ 0.304004] evm: security.SMACK64MMAP [ 0.308003] evm: security.apparmor [ 0.312005] evm: security.ima [ 0.316004] evm: security.capability [ 0.320174] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645041785100000 ns [ 0.324017] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.328092] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.332265] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.336114] audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled) [ 0.340188] cpuidle: using governor ladder [ 0.344010] audit: type=2000 audit(1644402703.340:1): state=initialized audit_enabled=0 res=1 [ 0.348010] cpuidle: using governor menu [ 0.352062] ACPI: bus type PCI registered [ 0.356005] acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5 [ 0.361525] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access [ 0.370023] HugeTLB registered 2.00 MiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages [ 0.376130] ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device) [ 0.380012] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device) [ 0.384005] ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions) [ 0.388005] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device) [ 0.392022] ACPI: Added _OSI(Linux-Dell-Video) [ 0.405081] ACPI: Interpreter enabled [ 0.408013] ACPI: (supports S0 S5) [ 0.412028] ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing [ 0.416578] PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug [ 0.420526] ACPI: Enabled 1 GPEs in block 00 to 0F [ 0.464934] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff]) [ 0.468012] acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC: OS supports [ASPM ClockPM Segments MSI] [ 0.472014] acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM [ 0.476019] acpi PNP0A03:00: fail to add MMCONFIG information, can't access extended PCI configuration space under this bridge. [ 0.480679] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 0.484008] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xfe0000000-0xfffffffff window] [ 0.488008] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0x0cf7 window] [ 0.492007] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0d00-0xffff window] [ 0.496007] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window] [ 0.500028] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xf8000000-0xfffbffff window] [ 0.504008] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 0.549551] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x10: [io 0x01f0-0x01f7] [ 0.552007] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x14: [io 0x03f6] [ 0.556006] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x18: [io 0x0170-0x0177] [ 0.560007] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x1c: [io 0x0376] [ 0.570030] * Found PM-Timer Bug on the chipset. Due to workarounds for a bug, [ 0.570030] * this clock source is slow. Consider trying other clock sources [ 0.586748] pci 0000:00:07.3: quirk: [io 0x0400-0x043f] claimed by PIIX4 ACPI [ 0.645052] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 *11 12 14 15) [ 0.648721] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.652891] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.656563] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.661230] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 0.664323] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: setting as boot VGA device [ 0.668000] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: VGA device added: decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none [ 0.668006] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: bridge control possible [ 0.672005] vgaarb: loaded [ 0.676055] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered [ 0.680004] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti [ 0.684040] PTP clock support registered [ 0.688062] EDAC MC: Ver: 3.0.0 [ 0.693985] hv_vmbus: Vmbus version:4.0 [ 0.696335] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing [ 0.700000] NetLabel: Initializing [ 0.700000] NetLabel: domain hash size = 128 [ 0.700000] NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 CALIPSO [ 0.700000] NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default [ 0.700698] clocksource: Switched to clocksource hyperv_clocksource_tsc_page [ 0.726088] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0 [ 0.733586] VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.739803] AppArmor: AppArmor Filesystem Enabled [ 0.745282] pnp: PnP ACPI init [ 0.761181] system 00:06: [io 0x01e0-0x01ef] has been reserved [ 0.768109] system 00:06: [io 0x0160-0x016f] has been reserved [ 0.773173] system 00:06: [io 0x0278-0x027f] has been reserved [ 0.779344] system 00:06: [io 0x0378-0x037f] has been reserved [ 0.785401] system 00:06: [io 0x0678-0x067f] has been reserved [ 0.792842] system 00:06: [io 0x0778-0x077f] has been reserved [ 0.800131] system 00:06: [io 0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved [ 0.813562] system 00:07: [io 0x0400-0x043f] has been reserved [ 0.819827] system 00:07: [io 0x0370-0x0371] has been reserved [ 0.827451] system 00:07: [io 0x0440-0x044f] has been reserved [ 0.832053] system 00:07: [mem 0xfec00000-0xfec00fff] could not be reserved [ 0.838311] system 00:07: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff] has been reserved [ 0.843037] system 00:08: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved [ 0.846984] system 00:08: [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff] could not be reserved [ 0.851582] system 00:08: [mem 0x000e0000-0x000fffff] could not be reserved [ 0.856102] system 00:08: [mem 0x00100000-0xf7ffffff] could not be reserved [ 0.860978] system 00:08: [mem 0xfffc0000-0xffffffff] has been reserved [ 0.868685] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 9 devices [ 0.880986] clocksource: acpi_pm: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 2085701024 ns [ 0.887499] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 0.891015] TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) [ 0.896694] TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) [ 0.903838] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192) [ 0.909456] UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.916659] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.922426] NET: Registered protocol family 1 [ 0.926249] pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers [ 0.934771] pci 0000:00:08.0: Video device with shadowed ROM at [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff] [ 0.942158] Unpacking initramfs... [ 1.261705] Freeing initrd memory: 13088K [ 1.271295] PCI-DMA: Using software bounce buffering for IO (SWIOTLB) [ 1.280358] software IO TLB [mem 0x3a600000-0x3e600000] (64MB) mapped at [ (ptrval)- (ptrval)] [ 1.291099 ] clocksource: tsc: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x3984de7b583, max_idle_ns: 881590633483 ns [ 1.298135] Scanning for low memory corruption every 60 seconds [ 1.303998] Initialise system trusted keyrings [ 1.309455] Key type blacklist registered [ 1.314864] workingset: timestamp_bits=36 max_order=18 bucket_order=0 [ 1.324908] zbud: loaded [ 1.333419] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher [ 1.346547] fuse init (API version 7.26) [ 1.354653] Key type asymmetric registered [ 1.362794] Asymmetric key parser 'x509' registered [ 1.371700] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 244) [ 1.379262] io scheduler noop registered (default) [ 1.385978] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0 [ 1.393185] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF] [ 1.400127] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 32 ports, IRQ sharing enabled [ 1.431722] 00:03: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A [ 1.462855] 00:04: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A [ 0.000000] Linux version 4.15.0-1018-azure (buildd@lgw01-amd64-021) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10)) #18~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 19 13:13:57 UTC 2018 (Ubuntu 4.15.0-1018.18~16.04.1-azure 4.15.18) [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1018-azure root=PARTUUID=927a77ea-01 ro console=tty1 console=ttyS0 [ 0.000000] KERNEL supported cpus: [ 0.000000] Intel GenuineIntel [ 0.000000] AMD AuthenticAMD [ 0.000000] Centaur CentaurHauls [ 0.000000] x86/fpu: x87 FPU will use FXSAVE [ 0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map: [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000e0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff] usable [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003fff0000-0x000000003fffefff] ACPI data [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003ffff000-0x000000003fffffff] ACPI NVS [ 0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active [ 0.000000] SMBIOS 2.3 present. [ 0.000000] DMI: Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine/Virtual Machine, BIOS 090006 04/28/2016 [ 0.000000] Hypervisor detected: Microsoft Hyper-V [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: features 0x2e7f, hints 0xc2c [ 0.000000] Hyper-V Host Build:14393-10.0-2-0.2035 [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: LAPIC Timer Frequency: 0xc3500 [ 0.000000] tsc: Marking TSC unstable due to running on Hyper-V [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: Using ext hypercall for remote TLB flush [ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x3fff0 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000 [ 0.000000] x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB WC UC- UC WB WP UC- WT [ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000ff780-0x000ff78f] mapped at [ (ptrval)] [ 0.000000] Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption [ 0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x36660000-0x37327fff] [ 0.000000] ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F56F0 000014 (v00 ACPIAM) [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDT 0x000000003FFF0000 000040 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x000000003FFF0200 000081 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x000000003FFF1724 0033BE (v01 MSFTVM MSFTVM02 00000002 INTL 02002026) [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x000000003FFFF000 000040 [ 0.000000] ACPI: WAET 0x000000003FFF1480 000028 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: SLIC 0x000000003FFF14C0 000176 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: OEM0 0x000000003FFF16C0 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT 0x000000003FFF0600 0000E0 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 00000001 MSFT 00000001) [ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x000000003FFF0300 000252 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: OEMB 0x000000003FFFF040 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] SRAT: PXM 0 -> APIC 0x00 -> Node 0 [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x00000000-0x3fffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x40200000-0xf7ffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x100000000-0xfdfffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x1000000000-0xffffffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x3ffc5000-0x3ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Zone ranges: [ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff] [ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Normal empty [ 0.000000] Device empty [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Reserved but unavailable: 98 pages [ 0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x408 [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0xff] dfl dfl lint[0x1]) [ 0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 0, version 17, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23 [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl) [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level) [ 0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information [ 0.000000] smpboot: Allowing 1 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs [ 0.000000] e820: [mem 0x40000000-0xffffffff] available for PCI devices [ 0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware [ 0.000000] clocksource: refined-jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645519600211568 ns [ 0.000000] random: get_random_bytes called from start_kernel+0x99/0x51b with crng_init=0 [ 0.000000] setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:8192 nr_cpumask_bits:1 nr_cpu_ids:1 nr_node_ids:1 [ 0.000000] percpu: Embedded 45 pages/cpu @ (ptrval) s147456 r8192 d28672 u2097152 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 257913 [ 0.000000] Policy zone: DMA32 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1018-azure root=PARTUUID=927a77ea-01 ro console=tty1 console=ttyS0 [ 0.000000] Memory: 926704K/1048120K available (12300K kernel code, 2283K rwdata, 3972K rodata, 2248K init, 2372K bss, 121416K reserved, 0K cma-reserved) [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1 [ 0.000000] Kernel/User page tables isolation: enabled [ 0.000000] ftrace: allocating 37806 entries in 148 pages [ 0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=8192 to nr_cpu_ids=1. [ 0.000000] Tasks RCU enabled. [ 0.000000] RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=1 [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 524544, nr_irqs: 256, preallocated irqs: 16 [ 0.000000] Console: colour VGA+ 80x25 [ 0.000000] console [tty1] enabled [ 0.000000] console [ttyS0] enabled [ 0.000000] ACPI: Core revision 20170831 [ 0.000000] ACPI: 1 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded [ 0.000000] APIC: Switch to symmetric I/O mode setup [ 0.004000] clocksource: hyperv_clocksource_tsc_page: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x24e6a1710, max_idle_ns: 440795202120 ns [ 0.088000] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1 [ 0.092000] tsc: Detected 1995.191 MHz processor [ 0.092000] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 3990.38 BogoMIPS (lpj=7980764) [ 0.096006] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.100051] Security Framework initialized [ 0.104000] Yama: becoming mindful. [ 0.104039] AppArmor: AppArmor initialized [ 0.108000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes) [ 0.108101] Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) [ 0.112022] Mount-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.116000] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.116504] CPU: Physical P rocessor ID: 0 [ 0.120332] mce: CPU supports 1 MCE banks [ 0.124104] Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 8, 4MB 8 [ 0.128004] Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 32, 4MB 32, 1GB 0 [ 0.132005] Spectre V2 : Mitigation: Full generic retpoline [ 0.136003] Speculative Store Bypass: Vulnerable [ 0.178989] Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 36K [ 0.184837] smpboot: CPU0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430L 0 @ 2.00GHz (family: 0x6, model: 0x2d, stepping: 0x7) [ 0.188092] Performance Events: unsupported p6 CPU model 45 no PMU driver, software events only. [ 0.192061] Hierarchical SRCU implementation. [ 0.196750] NMI watchdog: Perf event create on CPU 0 failed with -2 [ 0.200004] NMI watchdog: Perf NMI watchdog permanently disabled [ 0.204060] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ... [ 0.208005] smp: Brought up 1 node, 1 CPU [ 0.212004] smpboot: Max logical packages: 1 [ 0.216006] smpboot: Total of 1 processors activated (3990.38 BogoMIPS) [ 0.224219] devtmpfs: initialized [ 0.228104] x86/mm: Memory block size: 128MB [ 0.232245] evm: security.selinux [ 0.236008] evm: security.SMACK64 [ 0.240005] evm: security.SMACK64EXEC [ 0.244004] evm: security.SMACK64TRANSMUTE [ 0.248004] evm: security.SMACK64MMAP [ 0.252004] evm: security.apparmor [ 0.256004] evm: security.ima [ 0.260004] evm: security.capability [ 0.264150] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645041785100000 ns [ 0.268015] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.272069] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.276261] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.280112] audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled) [ 0.284198] cpuidle: using governor ladder [ 0.292012] audit: type=2000 audit(1644402750.284:1): state=initialized audit_enabled=0 res=1 [ 0.296009] cpuidle: using governor menu [ 0.300057] ACPI: bus type PCI registered [ 0.304005] acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5 [ 0.309377] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access [ 0.313588] HugeTLB registered 2.00 MiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages [ 0.316279] ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device) [ 0.320029] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device) [ 0.324006] ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions) [ 0.328005] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device) [ 0.332015] ACPI: Added _OSI(Linux-Dell-Video) [ 0.342863] ACPI: Interpreter enabled [ 0.344012] ACPI: (supports S0 S5) [ 0.348004] ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing [ 0.352042] PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug [ 0.356572] ACPI: Enabled 1 GPEs in block 00 to 0F [ 0.400773] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff]) [ 0.404010] acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC: OS supports [ASPM ClockPM Segments MSI] [ 0.408011] acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM [ 0.412017] acpi PNP0A03:00: fail to add MMCONFIG information, can't access extended PCI configuration space under this bridge. [ 0.416444] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 0.420028] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xfe0000000-0xfffffffff window] [ 0.424007] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0x0cf7 window] [ 0.428006] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0d00-0xffff window] [ 0.432008] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window] [ 0.436007] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xf8000000-0xfffbffff window] [ 0.440007] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 0.479416] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x10: [io 0x01f0-0x01f7] [ 0.480007] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x14: [io 0x03f6] [ 0.484007] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x18: [io 0x0170-0x0177] [ 0.488006] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x1c: [io 0x0376] [ 0.497668] * Found PM-Timer Bug on the chipset. Due to workarounds for a bug, [ 0.497668] * this clock source is slow. Consider trying other clock sources [ 0.510053] pci 0000: 00:07.3: quirk: [io 0x0400-0x043f] claimed by PIIX4 ACPI [ 0.559077] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 *11 12 14 15) [ 0.564871] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.568853] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.576844] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.581224] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 0.584309] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: setting as boot VGA device [ 0.588000] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: VGA device added: decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none [ 0.588006] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: bridge control possible [ 0.592004] vgaarb: loaded [ 0.596051] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered [ 0.600004] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti [ 0.604018] PTP clock support registered [ 0.608065] EDAC MC: Ver: 3.0.0 [ 0.616703] hv_vmbus: Vmbus version:4.0 [ 0.620121] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing [ 0.624712] NetLabel: Initializing [ 0.628518] NetLabel: domain hash size = 128 [ 0.632014] NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 CALIPSO [ 0.636038] NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default [ 0.640154] clocksource: Switched to clocksource hyperv_clocksource_tsc_page [ 0.659414] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0 [ 0.663808] VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.668473] AppArmor: AppArmor Filesystem Enabled [ 0.673052] pnp: PnP ACPI init [ 0.684994] system 00:06: [io 0x01e0-0x01ef] has been reserved [ 0.689946] system 00:06: [io 0x0160-0x016f] has been reserved [ 0.694285] system 00:06: [io 0x0278-0x027f] has been reserved [ 0.698604] system 00:06: [io 0x0378-0x037f] has been reserved [ 0.702876] system 00:06: [io 0x0678-0x067f] has been reserved [ 0.707591] system 00:06: [io 0x0778-0x077f] has been reserved [ 0.712544] system 00:06: [io 0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved [ 0.717142] system 00:07: [io 0x0400-0x043f] has been reserved [ 0.721533] system 00:07: [io 0x0370-0x0371] has been reserved [ 0.726134] system 00:07: [io 0x0440-0x044f] has been reserved [ 0.730455] system 00:07: [mem 0xfec00000-0xfec00fff] could not be reserved [ 0.734896] system 00:07: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff] has been reserved [ 0.739747] system 00:08: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved [ 0.744612] system 00:08: [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff] could not be reserved [ 0.749032] system 00:08: [mem 0x000e0000-0x000fffff] could not be reserved [ 0.754175] system 00:08: [mem 0x00100000-0xf7ffffff] could not be reserved [ 0.758670] system 00:08: [mem 0xfffc0000-0xffffffff] has been reserved [ 0.763867] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 9 devices [ 0.775182] clocksource: acpi_pm: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 2085701024 ns [ 0.780367] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 0.784236] TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) [ 0.788965] TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) [ 0.793657] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192) [ 0.799427] UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.805185] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.810139] NET: Registered protocol family 1 [ 0.815652] pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers [ 0.822091] pci 0000:00:08.0: Video device with shadowed ROM at [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff] [ 0.828239] Unpacking initramfs... [ 1.131694] Freeing initrd memory: 13088K [ 1.136259] PCI-DMA: Using software bounce buffering for IO (SWIOTLB) [ 1.141080] software IO TLB [mem 0x3a600000-0x3e600000] (64MB) mapped at [ (ptrval)- (ptrval)] [ 1.147039] clocksource: tsc: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x3984de7b583, max_idle_ns: 881590633483 ns [ 1.152586] Scanning for low memory corruption every 60 seconds [ 1.158297] Initialise system trusted keyrings [ 1.162754] Key type blacklist registered [ 1.166985] workingset: timestamp_bits=36 max_order=18 bucket_order=0 [ 1.173828] zbud: loaded [ 1.178505] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher [ 1.183281] fuse init (API version 7.26) [ 1.189215] Key type asymmetric registered [ 1.193304] Asymmetric key parser 'x509' registered [ 1.197592] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 244) [ 1.202239] io scheduler noop registered (default) [ 1.207733] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0 [ 1.225364] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF] [ 1.230235] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 32 ports, IRQ sharing enabled [ 1.259011] 00:03: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A [ 1.289092] 00:04: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A [ 1.296377] Linux agpgart interface v0.103 [ 1.302480] loop: module loaded [ 1.306541] hv_vmbus: registering driver hv_storvsc [ 1.314654] scsi host0: storvsc_host_t [ 1.323768] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access Msft Virtual Disk 1.0 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 [ 1.334030] random: fast init done [ 1.337947] scsi host1: storvsc_host_t [ 1.346601] sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0 [ 1.352796] ata_piix 0000:00:07.1: Hyper-V Virtual Machine detected, ATA device ignore set [ 1.364291] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 2080768 512-byte logical blocks: (1.07 GB/1016 MiB) [ 1.372165] scsi host2: ata_piix [ 1.376793] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off [ 1.381669] scsi host3: ata_piix [ 1.385696] ata1: PATA max UDMA/33 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xffa0 irq 14 [ 1.390669] ata2: PATA max UDMA/33 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xffa8 irq 15 [ 1.396080] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA [ 1.411801] libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed [ 1.416099] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6 [ 1.420444] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 [ 1.425581] i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:PS2K,PNP0f03:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12 [ 1.448704] serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1 [ 1.452909] sda: sda1 [ 1.457873] serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 [ 1.462524] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice [ 1.468280] rtc_cmos 00:00: RTC can wake from S4 [ 1.498584] rtc_cmos 00:00: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0 [ 1.507811] input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1 [ 1.516254] rtc_cmos 00:00: alarms up to one month, 114 bytes nvram [ 1.522397] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk [ 1.528987] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3 [ 1.534220] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.37.0-ioctl (2017-09-20) initialised: dm-devel@redhat.com [ 1.540764] NET: Registered protocol family 10 [ 1.551922] Segment Routing with IPv6 [ 1.556145] NET: Registered protocol family 17 [ 1.560264] Key type dns_resolver registered [ 2.464271] RAS: Correctable Errors collector initialized. [ 2.469628] registered taskstats version 1 [ 2.474862] Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates [ 2.483615] Loaded X.509 cert 'Build time autogenerated kernel key: aff4079af16f4619e3b7b2cd46b8d3777d9de144' [ 2.489844] zswap: loaded using pool lzo/zbud [ 2.499327] Key type big_key registered [ 2.504333] Key type trusted registered [ 2.511306] Key type encrypted registered [ 2.515818] AppArmor: AppArmor sha1 policy hashing enabled [ 2.520744] ima: No TPM chip found, activating TPM-bypass! (rc=-19) [ 2.525506] evm: HMAC attrs: 0x1 [ 2.660199] rtc_cmos 00:00: setting system clock to 2022-02-09 10:32:33 UTC (1644402753) [ 2.665981] BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 0 devices found [ 2.671070] EDD information not available. [ 3.077308] ata2.00: ATAPI: Virtual CD, , max MWDMA2 [ 3.090219] ata2.00: configured for MWDMA2 [ 3.108153] scsi 3:0:0:0: CD-ROM Msft Virtual CD/ROM 1.0 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 [ 3.125288] sr 3:0:0:0: [sr0] scsi3-mmc drive: 0x/0x tray [ 3.130553] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20 [ 3.138785] sr 3:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 t ype 5 [ 3.148369] Freeing unused kernel memory: 2248K [ 3.160323] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 18432k [ 3.165545] Freeing unused kernel memory: 2008K [ 3.170131] Freeing unused kernel memory: 124K [ 3.185044] x86/mm: Checked W+X mappings: passed, no W+X pages found. [ 3.189772] x86/mm: Checking user space page tables [ 3.206041] x86/mm: Checked W+X mappings: passed, no W+X pages found. Loading, please wait... starting version 229 [ 3.263874] random: udevadm: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.270819] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.275580] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.280240] random: udevadm: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.286009] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.292065] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.309144] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.317724] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.324255] random: udevadm: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.329452] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.474003] hv_utils: Registering HyperV Utility Driver [ 3.478459] hv_vmbus: registering driver hv_util [ 3.491723] hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina [ 3.498550] hv_vmbus: registering driver hv_netvsc [ 3.508376] hv_vmbus: registering driver hyperv_keyboard [ 3.525166] input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A03:00/device:07/VMBUS:01/d34b2567-b9b6-42b9-8778-0a4ec0b955bf/serio2/input/input3 [ 3.549140] hv_vmbus: registering driver hid_hyperv [ 3.676263] hv_utils: Heartbeat IC version 3.0 [ 3.689939] input: Microsoft Vmbus HID-compliant Mouse as /devices/0006:045E:0621.0001/input/input4 [ 3.706216] hid 0006:045E:0621.0001: input: HID v0.01 Mouse [Microsoft Vmbus HID-compliant Mouse] on [ 3.729902] hv_utils: Shutdown IC version 3.0 [ 3.742270] hv_utils: TimeSync IC version 4.0 [ 3.748444] hv_utils: VSS IC version 5.0 Begin: Loading essential drivers ... [ 3.884034] raid6: sse2x1 gen() 4959 MB/s [ 3.936033] raid6: sse2x1 xor() 3899 MB/s [ 3.988036] raid6: sse2x2 gen() 6236 MB/s [ 4.040032] raid6: sse2x2 xor() 4056 MB/s [ 4.092024] raid6: sse2x4 gen() 7305 MB/s [ 4.144031] raid6: sse2x4 xor() 5369 MB/s [ 4.148647] raid6: using algorithm sse2x4 gen() 7305 MB/s [ 4.153430] raid6: .... xor() 5369 MB/s, rmw enabled [ 4.159038] raid6: using intx1 recovery algorithm [ 4.167179] xor: measuring software checksum speed [ 4.208030] prefetch64-sse: 10088.000 MB/sec [ 4.252032] generic_sse: 9216.000 MB/sec [ 4.256705] xor: using function: prefetch64-sse (10088.000 MB/sec) [ 4.264466] async_tx: api initialized (async) done. Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ... done. Begin: Mounting root file system ... Begin: Running /scripts/local-top ... done. Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount ... [ 4.428356] Btrfs loaded, crc32c=crc32c-generic Scanning for Btrfs filesystems done. Warning: fsck not present, so skipping root file system [ 4.591075] EXT4-fs (sda1): INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem [ 4.597112] EXT4-fs (sda1): write access will be enabled during recovery [ 4.667017] EXT4-fs (sda1): recovery complete [ 4.675910] EXT4-fs (sda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) done. Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ... done. Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done. [ 4.883285] systemd[1]: systemd 229 running in system mode. (+PAM +AUDIT +SELINUX +IMA +APPARMOR +SMACK +SYSVINIT +UTMP +LIBCRYPTSETUP +GCRYPT +GNUTLS +ACL +XZ -LZ4 +SECCOMP +BLKID +ELFUTILS +KMOD -IDN) [ 4.890837] systemd[1]: Detected virtualization microsoft. [ 4.895984] systemd[1]: Detected architecture x86-64. Welcome to [1mUbuntu 16.04.4 LTS[0m! [ 4.932114] systemd[1]: Set hostname to . [ 5.196640] systemd[1]: Listening on udev Kernel Socket. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on udev Kernel Socket. [ 5.242948] systemd[1]: Started Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch. [ 5.292555] systemd[1]: Reached target Encrypted Volumes. [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Encrypted Volumes. [ 5.340110] systemd[1]: Listening on udev Control Socket. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on udev Control Socket. [ 5.386824] systemd[1]: Listening on Journal Audit Socket. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on Journal Audit Socket. [ 5.433672] systemd[1]: Created slice System Slice. [[0;32m OK [0m] Created slice System Slice. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on Device-mapper event daemon FIFOs. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on /dev/initctl Compatibility Named Pipe. [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Swap. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on LVM2 poll daemon socket. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on Journal Socket (/dev/log). [[0;32m OK [0m] Set up automount Arbitrary Executab...ats File System Automount Point. [[0;32m OK [0m] Created slice system-getty.slice. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on Journal Socket. Starting Load Kernel Modules... Starting Create list of required st... nodes for the current kernel...[ 5.921168] Loading iSCSI transport class v2.0-870. Starting Journal Service...[ 5.964503] iscsi: registered transport (tcp) Starting Remount Root and Kernel File Systems...[ 6.006698] iscsi: registered transport (iser) Mounting POSIX Message Queue File System... Mounting Huge Pages File System... Mounting Debug File System...[ 6.148497] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: (null) [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch. [[0;32m OK [0m] Created slice system-serial\x2dgetty.slice. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on LVM2 metadata daemon socket. Starting Monitoring of LVM2 mirrors... dmeventd or progress polling... [[0;32m OK [0m] Created slice User and Session Slice. [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Slices. [[0;32m OK [0m] Mounted Debug File System. [[0;32m OK [0m] Mounted POSIX Message Queue File System. [[0;32m OK [0m] Mounted Huge Pages File System. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Journal Service. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Load Kernel Modules. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Create list of required sta...ce nodes for the current kernel. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Remount Root and Kernel File Systems. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started LVM2 metadata daemon. Starting Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking)... Starting udev Coldplug all Devices... Starting Load/Save Random Seed... Starting Create Static Device Nodes in /dev... Mounting Configuration File System... Starting Apply Kernel Variables... Mounting FUSE Control File System... Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [[0;32m OK [0m] Mounted FUSE Control File System. [[0;32m OK [0m] Mounted Configuration File System. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Monitoring of LVM2 mirrors,...ng dmeventd or progress polling. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Create Static Device Nodes in /dev. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Apply Kernel Variables. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started udev Coldplug all Devices. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting udev Kernel Device Manager... [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Local File Systems (Pre). [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting LSB: AppArmor initialization... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... [[0;32m OK [0m] Started udev Kernel Device Manager. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Network Time Synchronization. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started LSB: AppArmor initialization. [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target System Time Sync hronized. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [[0;32m OK [0m] Found device /dev/ttyS0. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status /dev/rfkill Watch. [ 10.760676] cloud-init[330]: Cloud-init v. 18.2 running 'init-local' at Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:40 +0000. Up 9.58 seconds. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking). [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Network (Pre). Starting Raise network interfaces... [[0;1;31mFAILED[0m] Failed to start Raise network interfaces. See 'systemctl status networking.service' for details. [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Network. Starting Initial cloud-init job (metadata service crawler)... [ 14.599651] cloud-init[623]: Cloud-init v. 18.2 running 'init' at Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:43 +0000. Up 11.79 seconds. [ 14.693023] cloud-init[623]: ci-info: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++Net device info++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[[0;32m OK [0m] Started Initial cloud-init job (metadata service crawler).[ 14.791795] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0mci-info: +--------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------+-------------------+] Reached target Cloud-config availability.[ 14.880933] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0mci-info: | Device | Up | Address | Mask | Scope | Hw-Address |] Reached target System Initialization. [ 14.977946] cloud-init[623]: [ci-info: +--------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------+-------------------+[0;32m OK [0m ] Started ACPI Events Check.[ 15.057124] cloud-init[623]: [[0;32m OK [0mci-info: | eth0 | False | . | . | . | fa:16:3e:07:12:45 |] Reached target Paths. [ 15.154080] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0mci-info: | lo | True | | | . | . |] Started Daily apt download activities. [ 15.242308] cloud-init[[0;32m OK [0m[623]: ] ci-info: | lo | True | ::1/128 | . | host | . |Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [[ 15.336844] cloud-init[0;32m OK [0m[623]: ] ci-info: +--------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------+-------------------+Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [[0;32m OK [0m[ 15.445594] ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories.cloud-init[623]: Generating public/private rsa key pair.[ [0;32m OK [0m[ 15.528153] ] cloud-initReached target Timers.[623]: Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.[ [0;32m OK [0m] [ 15.622432] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket.cloud-init [623]: [Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub.[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 15.708607] Reached target Sockets.cloud-init[623]: The key fingerprint is:[[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 15.789087] Reached target Basic System.cloud-init[623]: SHA256:KFhtS6rRio+A3QIPZrD9BFWoaFCZLmyCwLzz2BhNivc root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516[[0;32m OK [0m ] Started Deferred execution scheduler.[ 15.895518] cloud-init [623]: [The key's randomart image is:[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 15.974401] cloud-initStarted D-Bus System Message Bus.[623]: +---[RSA 2048]----+ [ 16.046369] cloud-init[623]: |o..o.o. | [ 16.090526] cloud-init[623]: |oooo.. | [ 16.135591] cloud-init[623]: |Bo*.. + | [ 16.180340] [cloud-init[0;32m OK [0m[623]: |B@+* + o |] Started ACPI event daemon. [ 16.264322] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0m|B=@.= o S |] Started Regular background program processing daemon.[ 16.346545] cloud-init[[623]: |+O XE. |[0;32m OK [0m ] Started Unattended Upgrades Shutdown.[ 16.428550] cloud-init [623]: |+ * o |Starting LSB: MD monitoring daemon... [ 16.511297] cloud-initStarting Login Service...[623]: |.o . | Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB...[ 16.605235] cloud-init [623]: [|. . |[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 16.681628] Reached target Network is Online.cloud-init [623]: +----[SHA256]-----+Starting Apply the settings specified in cloud-config... [ 16.792199] cloud -init [623]: Generating public/private dsa key pair.Starting iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid)... [ 16.896196] cloud-init [623]: Starting /etc/rc.local Compatibility...Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key. [ 17.003170] cloud-initStarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...[623]: Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub. [ [0;32m OK [0m[ 17.136196] ] cloud-initStarted /etc/rc.local Compatibility.[623]: The key fingerprint is: [[0;32m OK [0m[ 17.264197] ] cloud-initStarted iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid).[623]: SHA256:ghHpdPe3ZclNlWhCg0n8B9FUFwf06V0NbChwWGG23Bw root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 [[0;32m OK [0m [ 17.400269] ] cloud-initStarted OpenBSD Secure Shell server.[623]: The key's randomart image is: [ 17.512197] cloud-init[623]: [+---[DSA 1024]----+[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 17.648218] Started LSB: MD monitoring daemon.cloud-init[623]: | .. +=X=E=*+B|[[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 17.767095] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB.cloud-init[623]: | o.. oO.*o=o+*| [[ 17.889019] [0;32m OK [0m] cloud-initStarted Login Service.[623]: | o.. . .+.*o =+| [ 18.008964] Starting Login to default iSCSI targets... cloud-init[623]: | .o ....* +| [[0;32m OK [0m[ 18.168191] cloud-init] [623]: Started Login to default iSCSI targets.| . . S ..+ ..| [ 18.264178] [cloud-init[623]: [0;32m OK [0m| . . |] Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre).[ 18.377007] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0m| |] Reached target Remote File Systems.[ 18.463805] cloud-init[623]: | |Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... [ 18.599837] cloud-initStarting Permit User Sessions...[623]: | | Starting LSB: Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor to "ondemand"...[ 18.732212] cloud-init[623]: +----[SHA256]-----+[ [0;32m OK [0m[ 18.840192] ] cloud-initStarted Permit User Sessions.[623]: Generating public/private ecdsa key pair. [ 18.952335] [cloud-init[0;32m OK [0m[623]: ] Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.Started LSB: Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor to "ondemand". [ 19.093208] [cloud-init[623]: [0;32m OK [0mYour public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub.] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ 19.201713] cloud-init[623]: [The key fingerprint is:[0;32m OK [0m] Started Getty on tty1.[ 19.298531] cloud-init[623]: [SHA256:pjjL3/oxlZRuaJXtYzoqODUIDX/ErY1qdBkj4qBZ03M root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516[0;32m OK [0m] Started Serial Getty on ttyS0. [ 19.405163] [cloud-init[0;32m OK [0m[623]: ] The key's randomart image is:Reached target Login Prompts. [ 19.490942] cloud-init[623]: [[0;32m OK [0m+---[ECDSA 256]---+] Reached target Multi-User System.[ 19.579146] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0m| . . . | ] [ 19.658527] Reached target Graphical Interface.cloud-init [623]: |. = + E . + | Starting Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes...[ 19.745878] cloud-init [623]: |.= * = B = . | [ 19.807467] cloud-init[623]: |o o + * .= o |[ [0;32m OK [0m[ 19.867713] ] cloud-initStarted Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.[623]: | o = S = + | [ 19.945231] cloud-init[623]: | +.o+ o o . | [ 19.988707] cloud-init[623]: | .oo..o o | [ 20.030535] cloud-init[623]: | .oo.. + . | [ 20.073608] cloud-init[623]: | ooo++ | [ 20.119757] cloud-init[623]: +----[SHA256]-----+ [ 20.163537] cloud-init[623]: Generating public/private ed25519 key pair. [ 20.207747] cloud-init[623]: Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key. [ 20.256682] cloud-init[623]: Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub. [ 20.306989] cloud-init[623]: The key fingerprint is: [ 20.349318] cloud-init[623]: SHA256:5vrXINmuWrhR5cgbfDfYJf8Pa22gAEaG/oRGt+dtir8 root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 [ 20.400434] cloud-init[623]: The key's randomart image is: [ 20.442070] cloud-init[623]: +--[ED25519 256]--+ [ 20.485499] cloud-init[623]: | . | [ 20.536192] cloud-init[623]: | o + | [ 20.580445] cloud-init[623]: | o = .. . . | [ 20.629414] cloud-init[623]: | +o=+.o + | [ 20.671089] cloud-init[623]: | . +S*+.+ . | [ 20.713192] cloud-init[623]: | =++=.o... | [ 20.754950] cloud-init[623]: | o ++ * ..o.| [ 20.796877] cloud-init[623]: | =. + o .o+| [ 20.842351] cloud-init[623]: | +oo+E. ....| [ 20.883594] cloud-init[623]: +----[SHA256]-----+ [ 22.284651] cloud-init[710]: Cloud-init v. 18.2 running 'modules:config' at Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:49 +0000. Up 18.47 seconds. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Apply the settings specified in cloud-config. Starting Execute cloud user/final scripts... [ 23.547368] cloud-init[787]: Printing ubuntu user authorized keys [ 23.595342] cloud-init[787]: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC+a1KYdQQeOzHMjyEKTxY/cjuWJinfJ51pmA1+obdQOrBqTQVREqpWz0wrgvnoxsuj+XhcqFmeus/uWOGJOEGhb78j9p0wTWvDHyADGH2JZm2Gd4Lf1Z15MaxoLyuKM7anVc3CUkFw/9Qb2SkYbGU8eG3ONGKGEB/KvKwr1DRdzMVyM789z4aNRafbegMoSeFz7E6kF2oI35T6270Wy6DU3GmhGmaZOo7MZLXw6nfl4JhBGcjLhjW89z2dTFONU+IvfK/VagoL7Gd/FRL0OjsYS+M8S/N2vegMrrb84IJ+DTVVmmTfYmXclJ+sVZkrl5KwUOxrs/WlUcWEYtSepSer Generated-by-Nova ci-info: ++++++++++Authorized keys from /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys for user ubuntu+++++++++++ ci-info: +---------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-------------------+ ci-info: | Keytype | Fingerprint (md5) | Options | Comment | ci-info: +---------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-------------------+ ci-info: | ssh-rsa | cc:d9:46:17:e0:4f:28:03:78:fe:81:2a:67:2f:c7:0a | - | Generated-by-Nova | ci-info: +---------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-------------------+ <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: ############################################################# <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: -----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS----- <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: 1024 SHA256:ghHpdPe3ZclNlWhCg0n8B9FUFwf06V0NbChwWGG23Bw root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 (DSA) <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: 256 SHA256:pjjL3/oxlZRuaJXtYzoqODUIDX/ErY1qdBkj4qBZ03M root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 (ECDSA) <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: 256 SHA256:5vrXINmuWrhR5cgbfDfYJf8Pa22gAEaG/oRGt+dtir8 root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 (ED25519) <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: 2048 SHA256:KFhtS6rRio+A3QIPZrD9BFWoaFCZLmyCwLzz2BhNivc root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 (RSA) <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: -----END SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS----- <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: ############################################################# -----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY KEYS----- ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBErTs07uvEATeOggPPUxJRKpf5QNgJgKTMfsBJmwO5K3fChAVdQH5lD42IAVdXS4Ch4d1t5DGKPKOo7VzPe7HRU= root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBg+511oH6aiLtA5xax9kAfTkDLwHzdyB5Y9HPMA1Y5E root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDfDotzURHCXH2zYEzyjP0bM5ODr7WV9JdBLf5DNDhtXvMn3sxFY9BUHs5Kf/Xc+QH3V44xnQtk8QMb3gO/aRF9/NdmRaT7Zvv1yS9oxY41PVHn6MmMjK/dq8Yrsoj9AwoEK6m4wVFrbM57hLC4QsoORMV/R474PVIltkxZaKtZ+Wnop6WC3JgluQT2okpigmhtkbhsPy+THpRzvZyn7uIu7igioPqi/YPP3pBNG5YHrOqzPO3nRrqgHBymC7POWBkUzDo4AbObTNKDIYO0j1wqk5//N1t+wR0m3BI+karDrOOdj3hmXVQhg4Hw7QWzUxswabsR1dlVQZ79mqX5Ward root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 -----END SSH HOST KEY KEYS----- [ 24.463013] cloud-init[787]: Cloud-init v. 18.2 running 'modules:final' at Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:54 +0000. Up 22.94 seconds. [ 24.560426] cloud-init[787]: Cloud-init v. 18.2 finished at Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:55 +0000. Datasource DataSourceConfigDrive [net,ver=2][source=/dev/sr0]. Up 24.34 seconds Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-7 46226516 ttyS0 tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 login: 2022-02-09 10:36:07,312 118295 INFO [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request (ServerActionsTestJSON:tearDown): 200 GET 1.042s 2022-02-09 10:36:07,313 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request - Headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': ''} Body: None Response - Headers: {'date': 'Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:36:06 GMT', 'server': 'Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)', 'content-length': '1668', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'openstack-api-version': 'compute 2.1', 'x-openstack-nova-api-version': '2.1', 'vary': 'OpenStack-API-Version,X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'req-c5d4f217-51d3-47b4-aad3-9e2b3f5d7f46', 'x-compute-request-id': 'req-c5d4f217-51d3-47b4-aad3-9e2b3f5d7f46', 'connection': 'close', 'status': '200', 'content-location': ''} Body: b'{"server": {"id": "c8155bf8-00fe-461c-a72f-0cd4eb455668", "name": "tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-server-746226516", "status": "ACTIVE", "tenant_id": "44e1b99ee5bc4392b326fbbefd177fca", "user_id": "2bf6b25e07d848cdbd7361a139e4f103", "metadata": {}, "hostId": "4212522c52fbda05952210efe0059dbc4c425c3f1f9240230b871e74", "image": {"id": "621e838c-8ae1-4ede-b3ba-632b1367d04a", "links": [{"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "flavor": {"id": "452", "links": [{"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "created": "2022-02-09T10:31:00Z", "updated": "2022-02-09T10:32:28Z", "addresses": {"tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-2102525123-network": [{"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}, {"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}]}, "accessIPv4": "", "accessIPv6": "", "links": [{"rel": "self", "href": ""}, {"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}], "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL", "progress": 0, "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "nova", "config_drive": "True", "key_name": "tempest-keypair-523295260", "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": "2022-02-09T10:31:32.000000", "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at": null, "security_groups": [{"name": "tempest-securitygroup--1333723329"}], "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": null, "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active", "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 1, "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached": []}}' {2} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6TestAttrs.test_create_delete_subnet_with_v6_attributes_stateful [5.759280s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_port_list_filter_by_ip [18.392980s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_networks.BulkNetworkOpsIpV6Test.test_bulk_create_delete_port [8.728061s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6TestAttrs.test_create_delete_subnet_with_v6_attributes_stateless [4.096168s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersTest.test_add_multiple_router_interfaces [32.700964s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_stop_start_server [12.320125s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_networks.BulkNetworkOpsIpV6Test.test_bulk_create_delete_subnet [9.472040s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_port_list_filter_by_ip_substr [16.996085s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_suspend_resume_server [9.414244s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_create_additional_default_security_group_fails [0.398161s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.test_service_providers.ServiceProvidersTest.test_service_providers_list [0.382184s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_create_duplicate_security_group_rule_fails [1.778486s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_bad_ethertype [2.202161s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_bad_protocol [1.400615s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_bad_remote_ip_prefix [2.245882s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersTest.test_add_remove_router_interface_with_port_id [19.697055s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_invalid_ports [2.483154s] ... ok {2} tempest.api.network.test_tags.TagsTest.test_create_list_show_update_delete_tags [5.395429s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_non_existent_remote_groupid [2.355554s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_non_existent_security_group [0.084174s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_port_list_filter_by_router_id [18.857150s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_show_port [0.224299s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_remote_ip_and_group [3.679851s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_show_port_fields [0.109580s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_update_name_default [2.026006s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_delete_non_existent_security_group [0.052192s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_show_non_existent_security_group [0.055881s] ... ok {5} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupTest.test_show_non_existent_security_group_rule [0.059608s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_update_port_with_security_group_and_extra_attributes [7.363909s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersTest.test_add_remove_router_interface_with_subnet_id [16.502444s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.admin.test_negative_quotas.QuotasNegativeTest.test_network_quota_exceeding [4.668636s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersTest.test_create_show_list_update_delete_router [6.983189s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_ports.PortsIpV6TestJSON.test_update_port_with_two_security_groups_and_extra_attributes [9.417689s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_allowed_address_pair.AllowedAddressPairIpV6TestJSON.test_create_list_port_with_address_pair [3.315502s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersTest.test_router_interface_port_update_with_fixed_ip [13.933096s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_allowed_address_pair.AllowedAddressPairIpV6TestJSON.test_update_port_with_address_pair [3.148427s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_allowed_address_pair.AllowedAddressPairIpV6TestJSON.test_update_port_with_cidr_address_pair [3.840954s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeTest.test_add_router_interfaces_on_overlapping_subnets_returns_400 [10.079275s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeTest.test_delete_non_existent_router_returns_404 [0.067129s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeTest.test_router_add_gateway_invalid_network_returns_404 [0.758813s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_allowed_address_pair.AllowedAddressPairIpV6TestJSON.test_update_port_with_multiple_ip_mac_address_pair [8.407415s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeTest.test_router_remove_interface_in_use_returns_409 [6.091258s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeTest.test_show_non_existent_router_returns_404 [0.058565s] ... ok {7} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeTest.test_update_non_existent_router_returns_404 [0.050893s] ... ok {7} tempest.scenario.test_network_advanced_server_ops.TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.test_server_connectivity_cold_migration ... SKIPPED: Less than 2 compute nodes, skipping multinode tests. {7} tempest.scenario.test_network_advanced_server_ops.TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.test_server_connectivity_cold_migration_revert ... SKIPPED: Less than 2 compute nodes, skipping multinode tests. {7} tempest.scenario.test_network_advanced_server_ops.TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.test_server_connectivity_live_migration ... SKIPPED: Less than 2 compute nodes, skipping multinode tests. {3} tempest.api.network.test_floating_ips_negative.FloatingIPNegativeTestJSON.test_associate_floatingip_port_ext_net_unreachable [5.286387s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_floating_ips_negative.FloatingIPNegativeTestJSON.test_create_floatingip_in_private_network [0.444984s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_floating_ips_negative.FloatingIPNegativeTestJSON.test_create_floatingip_with_port_ext_net_unreachable [2.331533s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersTest.test_update_delete_extra_route [54.196079s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersTest.test_update_router_admin_state [1.462752s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupTest.test_create_list_update_show_delete_security_group [1.108701s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_additional_args [0.770308s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_icmp_type_code [3.142618s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersIpV6Test.test_add_multiple_router_interfaces [16.682886s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_protocol_integer_value [1.086943s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_remote_group_id [2.137736s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupTest.test_create_security_group_rule_with_remote_ip_prefix [0.956763s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupTest.test_create_show_delete_security_group_rule [1.591823s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupTest.test_delete_security_group_clear_associated_rules [0.790556s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups.SecGroupTest.test_list_security_groups [0.051889s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersIpV6Test.test_add_remove_router_interface_with_port_id [8.193648s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersIpV6Test.test_add_remove_router_interface_with_subnet_id [7.962359s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersIpV6Test.test_create_show_list_update_delete_router [5.255853s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersIpV6Test.test_router_interface_port_update_with_fixed_ip [8.588748s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersIpV6Test.test_update_delete_extra_route [32.066025s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_routers.RoutersIpV6Test.test_update_router_admin_state [1.249414s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_additional_default_security_group_fails [0.110412s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_duplicate_security_group_rule_fails [0.752297s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_bad_ethertype [0.370610s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_bad_protocol [0.398453s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_bad_remote_ip_prefix [0.416061s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_invalid_ports [0.584540s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_non_existent_remote_groupid [0.448471s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_non_existent_security_group [0.054512s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_with_remote_ip_and_group [0.748578s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_rule_wrong_ip_prefix_version [0.419242s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_create_security_group_update_name_default [0.360478s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_delete_non_existent_security_group [0.018890s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_show_non_existent_security_group [0.026533s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_security_groups_negative.NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test.test_show_non_existent_security_group_rule [0.019847s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_tags.TagsExtTest.test_create_check_list_and_delete_tags [3.810673s] ... ok {3} tempest.api.network.test_tags.TagsExtTest.test_update_and_delete_all_tags [5.022372s] ... ok {7} tempest.scenario.test_network_advanced_server_ops.TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.test_server_connectivity_rebuild [125.166808s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_connectivity_between_vms_on_different_networks [123.031547s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_hotplug_nic ... SKIPPED: NIC hotplug not available {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_mtu_sized_frames [61.447136s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_network_basic_ops [118.702513s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_port_security_macspoofing_port ... SKIPPED: NIC hotplug not available {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_preserve_preexisting_port [47.593912s] ... ok {1} tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern [502.988131s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_router_rescheduling [69.354138s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_subnet_details [185.871375s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_update_instance_port_admin_state [92.075154s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_update_router_admin_state [63.875875s] ... ok ============================== Failed 1 tests - output below: ============================== tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_reboot_server_hard[id-2cb1baf6-ac8d-4429-bf0d-ba8a0ba53e32,smoke] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured traceback: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/ssh.py", line 131, in _get_ssh_connection ssh.connect(self.host, port=self.port, username=self.username, File "/opt/stack/tempest/.tox/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 368, in connect raise NoValidConnectionsError(errors) paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError: [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/api/compute/servers/test_server_actions.py", line 161, in test_reboot_server_hard self._test_reboot_server('HARD') File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/api/compute/servers/test_server_actions.py", line 133, in _test_reboot_server boot_time = linux_client.get_boot_time() File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/common/utils/linux/remote_client.py", line 86, in get_boot_time boot_secs = self.exec_command(cmd) File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/utils/linux/remote_client.py", line 31, in wrapper return function(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/utils/linux/remote_client.py", line 109, in exec_command return self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd) File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/ssh.py", line 182, in exec_command ssh = self._get_ssh_connection() File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/ssh.py", line 150, in _get_ssh_connection raise exceptions.SSHTimeout(host=self.host, tempest.lib.exceptions.SSHTimeout: Connection to the via SSH timed out. User: ubuntu, Password: A2&2O9CoVo4t5Bi Captured pythonlogging: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2022-02-09 10:32:31,874 118295 INFO [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request (ServerActionsTestJSON:setUp): 200 GET 0.986s 2022-02-09 10:32:31,875 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request - Headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': ''} Body: None Response - Headers: {'date': 'Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:30 GMT', 'server': 'Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)', 'content-length': '1668', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'openstack-api-version': 'compute 2.1', 'x-openstack-nova-api-version': '2.1', 'vary': 'OpenStack-API-Version,X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'req-f8c1269e-1d81-48db-9484-78c23a30563d', 'x-compute-request-id': 'req-f8c1269e-1d81-48db-9484-78c23a30563d', 'connection': 'close', 'status': '200', 'content-location': ''} Body: b'{"server": {"id": "c8155bf8-00fe-461c-a72f-0cd4eb455668", "name": "tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-server-746226516", "status": "ACTIVE", "tenant_id": "44e1b99ee5bc4392b326fbbefd177fca", "user_id": "2bf6b25e07d848cdbd7361a139e4f103", "metadata": {}, "hostId": "4212522c52fbda05952210efe0059dbc4c425c3f1f9240230b871e74", "image": {"id": "621e838c-8ae1-4ede-b3ba-632b1367d04a", "links": [{"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "flavor": {"id": "452", "links": [{"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "created": "2022-02-09T10:31:00Z", "updated": "2022-02-09T10:32:28Z", "addresses": {"tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-2102525123-network": [{"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}, {"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}]}, "accessIPv4": "", "accessIPv6": "", "links": [{"rel": "self", "href": ""}, {"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}], "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL", "progress": 0, "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "nova", "config_drive": "True", "key_name": "tempest-keypair-523295260", "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": "2022-02-09T10:31:32.000000", "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at": null, "security_groups": [{"name": "tempest-securitygroup--1333723329"}], "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": null, "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active", "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 1, "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached": []}}' 2022-02-09 10:32:33,557 118295 INFO [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request (ServerActionsTestJSON:test_reboot_server_hard): 200 GET 1.675s 2022-02-09 10:32:33,558 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request - Headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': ''} Body: None Response - Headers: {'date': 'Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:31 GMT', 'server': 'Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)', 'content-length': '1668', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'openstack-api-version': 'compute 2.1', 'x-openstack-nova-api-version': '2.1', 'vary': 'OpenStack-API-Version,X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'req-2e673229-9aad-4ee3-adda-60df35a5a504', 'x-compute-request-id': 'req-2e673229-9aad-4ee3-adda-60df35a5a504', 'connection': 'close', 'status': '200', 'content-location': ''} Body: b'{"server": {"id": "c8155bf8-00fe-461c-a72f-0cd4eb455668", "name": "tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-server-746226516", "status": "ACTIVE", "tenant_id": "44e1b99ee5bc4392b326fbbefd177fca", "user_id": "2bf6b25e07d848cdbd7361a139e4f103", "metadata": {}, "hostId": "4212522c52fbda05952210efe0059dbc4c425c3f1f9240230b871e74", "image": {"id": "621e838c-8ae1-4ede-b3ba-632b1367d04a", "links": [{"re l": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "flavor": {"id": "452", "links": [{"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "created": "2022-02-09T10:31:00Z", "updated": "2022-02-09T10:32:28Z", "addresses": {"tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-2102525123-network": [{"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}, {"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}]}, "accessIPv4": "", "accessIPv6": "", "links": [{"rel": "self", "href": ""}, {"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}], "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL", "progress": 0, "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "nova", "config_drive": "True", "key_name": "tempest-keypair-523295260", "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": "2022-02-09T10:31:32.000000", "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at": null, "security_groups": [{"name": "tempest-securitygroup--1333723329"}], "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": null, "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active", "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 1, "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached": []}}' 2022-02-09 10:32:33,582 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.utils.linux.remote_client] Remote command: set -eu -o pipefail; PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin; cut -f1 -d. /proc/uptime 2022-02-09 10:32:33,582 118295 INFO [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Creating ssh connection to '' as 'ubuntu' with public key authentication 2022-02-09 10:32:36,635 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 1. Retry after 2 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:32:42,203 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 2. Retry after 3 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:32:48,763 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 3. Retry after 4 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:32:56,351 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 4. Retry after 5 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:33:04,923 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 5. Retry after 6 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:33:14,491 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 6. Retry after 7 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:33:25,051 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 7. Retry after 8 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:33:36,635 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 8. Retry after 9 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:33:49,211 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 9. Retry after 10 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:34:02,783 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 10. Retry after 11 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:34:17,371 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authent icated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 11. Retry after 12 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:34:32,959 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 12. Retry after 13 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:34:49,531 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 13. Retry after 14 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:35:07,099 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 14. Retry after 15 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:35:25,691 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 15. Retry after 16 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:35:45,275 118295 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ ([Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Number attempts: 16. Retry after 17 seconds. 2022-02-09 10:36:05,851 118295 ERROR [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to ubuntu@ after 16 attempts. Proxy client: no proxy client 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh Traceback (most recent call last): 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/ssh.py", line 131, in _get_ssh_connection 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh ssh.connect(self.host, port=self.port, username=self.username, 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh File "/opt/stack/tempest/.tox/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 368, in connect 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh raise NoValidConnectionsError(errors) 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError: [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on 2022-02-09 10:36:05.851 118295 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh 2022-02-09 10:36:05,856 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.utils.linux.remote_client] Caller: ServerActionsTestJSON:test_reboot_server_hard. Timeout trying to ssh to server {'id': 'c8155bf8-00fe-461c-a72f-0cd4eb455668', 'name': 'tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-server-746226516', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'tenant_id': '44e1b99ee5bc4392b326fbbefd177fca', 'user_id': '2bf6b25e07d848cdbd7361a139e4f103', 'metadata': {}, 'hostId': '4212522c52fbda05952210efe0059dbc4c425c3f1f9240230b871e74', 'image': {'id': '621e838c-8ae1-4ede-b3ba-632b1367d04a', 'links': [{'rel': 'bookmark', 'href': ''}]}, 'flavor': {'id': '452', 'links': [{'rel': 'bookmark', 'href': ''}]}, 'created': '2022-02-09T10:31:00Z', 'updated': '2022-02-09T10:32:28Z', 'addresses': {'tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-2102525123-network': [{'version': 4, 'addr': '', 'OS-EXT-IPS:type': 'fixed', 'OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr': 'fa:16:3e:07:12:45'}, {'version': 4, 'addr': '', 'OS-EXT-IPS:type': 'floating', 'OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr': 'fa:16:3e:07:12:45'}]}, 'accessIPv4': '', 'accessIPv6': '', 'links': [{'rel': 'self', 'href': ''}, {'rel': 'bookmark', 'href': ''}], 'OS-DCF:diskConfig': 'MANUAL', 'progress': 0, 'OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone': 'nova', 'config_drive': 'True', 'key_name': 'tempest-keypair-523295260', 'OS-SRV-USG:launched_at': '2022-02-09T10:31:32.000000', 'OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at': None, 'security_groups': [{'name': 'tempest-securitygroup--1333723329'}] , 'OS-EXT-STS:task_state': None, 'OS-EXT-STS:vm_state': 'active', 'OS-EXT-STS:power_state': 1, 'os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached': []} 2022-02-09 10:36:06,259 118295 INFO [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request (ServerActionsTestJSON:test_reboot_server_hard): 200 POST 0.403s 2022-02-09 10:36:06,261 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request - Headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': ''} Body: {"os-getConsoleOutput": {}} Response - Headers: {'date': 'Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:36:05 GMT', 'server': 'Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)', 'content-length': '56928', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'openstack-api-version': 'compute 2.1', 'x-openstack-nova-api-version': '2.1', 'vary': 'OpenStack-API-Version,X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'req-274994cc-1481-41a3-93ae-faec304a08aa', 'x-compute-request-id': 'req-274994cc-1481-41a3-93ae-faec304a08aa', 'connection': 'close', 'status': '200', 'content-location': ''} Body: b'{"output": "[ 0.000000] Linux version 4.15.0-1018-azure (buildd@lgw01-amd64-021) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10)) #18~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 19 13:13:57 UTC 2018 (Ubuntu 4.15.0-1018.18~16.04.1-azure 4.15.18)\\n[ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1018-azure root=PARTUUID=927a77ea-01 ro console=tty1 console=ttyS0\\n[ 0.000000] KERNEL supported cpus:\\n[ 0.000000] Intel GenuineIntel\\n[ 0.000000] AMD AuthenticAMD\\n[ 0.000000] Centaur CentaurHauls\\n[ 0.000000] x86/fpu: x87 FPU will use FXSAVE\\n[ 0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000e0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff] usable\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003fff0000-0x000000003fffefff] ACPI data\\n[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003ffff000-0x000000003fffffff] ACPI NVS\\n[ 0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active\\n[ 0.000000] SMBIOS 2.3 present.\\n[ 0.000000] DMI: Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine/Virtual Machine, BIOS 090006 04/28/2016\\n[ 0.000000] Hypervisor detected: Microsoft Hyper-V\\n[ 0.000000] Hyper-V: features 0x2e7f, hints 0xc2c\\n[ 0.000000] Hyper-V Host Build:14393-10.0-2-0.2035\\n[ 0.000000] Hyper-V: LAPIC Timer Frequency: 0xc3500\\n[ 0.000000] tsc: Marking TSC unstable due to running on Hyper-V\\n[ 0.000000] Hyper-V: Using ext hypercall for remote TLB flush\\n[ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x3fff0 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000\\n[ 0.000000] x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB WC UC- UC WB WP UC- WT \\n[ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000ff780-0x000ff78f] mapped at [ (ptrval)]\\n[ 0.000000] Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption\\n[ 0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x36660000-0x37327fff]\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F56F0 000014 (v00 ACPIAM)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDT 0x000000003FFF0000 000040 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x000000003FFF0200 000081 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x000000003FFF1724 0033BE (v01 MSFTVM MSFTVM02 00000002 INTL 02002026)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x000000003FFFF000 000040\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: WAET 0x000000003FFF1480 000028 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SLIC 0x000000003FFF14C0 000176 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: OEM0 0x000000003FFF16C0 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT 0x000000003FFF0600 0000E0 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 0000 0001 MSFT 00000001)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x000000003FFF0300 000252 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: OEMB 0x000000003FFFF040 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097)\\n[ 0.000000] SRAT: PXM 0 -> APIC 0x00 -> Node 0\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x00000000-0x3fffffff] hotplug\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x40200000-0xf7ffffff] hotplug\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x100000000-0xfdfffffff] hotplug\\n[ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x1000000000-0xffffffffff] hotplug\\n[ 0.000000] NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x3ffc5000-0x3ffeffff]\\n[ 0.000000] Zone ranges:\\n[ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff]\\n[ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x000000003ffeffff]\\n[ 0.000000] Normal empty\\n[ 0.000000] Device empty\\n[ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node\\n[ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges\\n[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff]\\n[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff]\\n[ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000 2022-02-09 10:36:06,264 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.utils.linux.remote_client] Console log for server c8155bf8-00fe-461c-a72f-0cd4eb455668: [ 0.000000] Linux version 4.15.0-1018-azure (buildd@lgw01-amd64-021) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10)) #18~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 19 13:13:57 UTC 2018 (Ubuntu 4.15.0-1018.18~16.04.1-azure 4.15.18) [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1018-azure root=PARTUUID=927a77ea-01 ro console=tty1 console=ttyS0 [ 0.000000] KERNEL supported cpus: [ 0.000000] Intel GenuineIntel [ 0.000000] AMD AuthenticAMD [ 0.000000] Centaur CentaurHauls [ 0.000000] x86/fpu: x87 FPU will use FXSAVE [ 0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map: [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000e0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff] usable [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003fff0000-0x000000003fffefff] ACPI data [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003ffff000-0x000000003fffffff] ACPI NVS [ 0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active [ 0.000000] SMBIOS 2.3 present. [ 0.000000] DMI: Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine/Virtual Machine, BIOS 090006 04/28/2016 [ 0.000000] Hypervisor detected: Microsoft Hyper-V [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: features 0x2e7f, hints 0xc2c [ 0.000000] Hyper-V Host Build:14393-10.0-2-0.2035 [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: LAPIC Timer Frequency: 0xc3500 [ 0.000000] tsc: Marking TSC unstable due to running on Hyper-V [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: Using ext hypercall for remote TLB flush [ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x3fff0 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000 [ 0.000000] x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB WC UC- UC WB WP UC- WT [ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000ff780-0x000ff78f] mapped at [ (ptrval)] [ 0.000000] Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption [ 0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x36660000-0x37327fff] [ 0.000000] ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F56F0 000014 (v00 ACPIAM) [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDT 0x000000003FFF0000 000040 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x000000003FFF0200 000081 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x000000003FFF1724 0033BE (v01 MSFTVM MSFTVM02 00000002 INTL 02002026) [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x000000003FFFF000 000040 [ 0.000000] ACPI: WAET 0x000000003FFF1480 000028 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: SLIC 0x000000003FFF14C0 000176 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: OEM0 0x000000003FFF16C0 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] A CPI: SRAT 0x000000003FFF0600 0000E0 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 00000001 MSFT 00000001) [ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x000000003FFF0300 000252 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: OEMB 0x000000003FFFF040 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] SRAT: PXM 0 -> APIC 0x00 -> Node 0 [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x00000000-0x3fffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x40200000-0xf7ffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x100000000-0xfdfffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x1000000000-0xffffffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x3ffc5000-0x3ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Zone ranges: [ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff] [ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Normal empty [ 0.000000] Device empty [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Reserved but unavailable: 98 pages [ 0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x408 [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0xff] dfl dfl lint[0x1]) [ 0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 0, version 17, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23 [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl) [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level) [ 0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information [ 0.000000] smpboot: Allowing 1 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs [ 0.000000] e820: [mem 0x40000000-0xffffffff] available for PCI devices [ 0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware [ 0.000000] clocksource: refined-jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645519600211568 ns [ 0.000000] random: get_random_bytes called from start_kernel+0x99/0x51b with crng_init=0 [ 0.000000] setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:8192 nr_cpumask_bits:1 nr_cpu_ids:1 nr_node_ids:1 [ 0.000000] percpu: Embedded 45 pages/cpu @ (ptrval) s147456 r8192 d28672 u2097152 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 257913 [ 0.000000] Policy zone: DMA32 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1018-azure root=PARTUUID=927a77ea-01 ro console=tty1 console=ttyS0 [ 0.000000] Memory: 926704K/1048120K available (12300K kernel code, 2283K rwdata, 3972K rodata, 2248K init, 2372K bss, 121416K reserved, 0K cma-reserved) [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1 [ 0.000000] Kernel/User page tables isolation: enabled [ 0.000000] ftrace: allocating 37806 entries in 148 pages [ 0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=8192 to nr_cpu_ids=1. [ 0.000000] Tasks RCU enabled. [ 0.000000] RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=1 [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 524544, nr_irqs: 256, preallocated irqs: 16 [ 0.000000] Console: colour VGA+ 80x25 [ 0.000000] console [tty1] enabled [ 0.000000] console [ttyS0] enabled [ 0.000000] ACPI: Core revision 20170831 [ 0.000000] ACPI: 1 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded [ 0.000000] APIC: Switch to symmetric I/O mode setup [ 0.004000] clocksource: hyperv_clocksource_tsc_page: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x24e6a1710, max_idle_ns: 440795202120 ns [ 0.112000] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1 [ 0.116000] tsc: Detected 1995.191 MHz processor [ 0.120000] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 3990.38 BogoMIPS (lpj=7980764) [ 0.124005] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.128054] Security Framework initialized [ 0.132006] Yama: becoming mindful. [ 0.136340] AppArmor: AppArmor initialized [ 0.140000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 104 8576 bytes) [ 0.140102] Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) [ 0.144023] Mount-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.148010] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.152517] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0 [ 0.156380] mce: CPU supports 1 MCE banks [ 0.160109] Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 8, 4MB 8 [ 0.164000] Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 32, 4MB 32, 1GB 0 [ 0.168005] Spectre V2 : Mitigation: Full generic retpoline [ 0.172005] Speculative Store Bypass: Vulnerable [ 0.237549] Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 36K [ 0.240864] smpboot: CPU0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430L 0 @ 2.00GHz (family: 0x6, model: 0x2d, stepping: 0x7) [ 0.244092] Performance Events: unsupported p6 CPU model 45 no PMU driver, software events only. [ 0.248083] Hierarchical SRCU implementation. [ 0.252783] NMI watchdog: Perf event create on CPU 0 failed with -2 [ 0.256004] NMI watchdog: Perf NMI watchdog permanently disabled [ 0.260068] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ... [ 0.264006] smp: Brought up 1 node, 1 CPU [ 0.268005] smpboot: Max logical packages: 1 [ 0.272006] smpboot: Total of 1 processors activated (3990.38 BogoMIPS) [ 0.280048] devtmpfs: initialized [ 0.284083] x86/mm: Memory block size: 128MB [ 0.288270] evm: security.selinux [ 0.292004] evm: security.SMACK64 [ 0.296004] evm: security.SMACK64EXEC [ 0.300004] evm: security.SMACK64TRANSMUTE [ 0.304004] evm: security.SMACK64MMAP [ 0.308003] evm: security.apparmor [ 0.312005] evm: security.ima [ 0.316004] evm: security.capability [ 0.320174] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645041785100000 ns [ 0.324017] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.328092] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.332265] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.336114] audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled) [ 0.340188] cpuidle: using governor ladder [ 0.344010] audit: type=2000 audit(1644402703.340:1): state=initialized audit_enabled=0 res=1 [ 0.348010] cpuidle: using governor menu [ 0.352062] ACPI: bus type PCI registered [ 0.356005] acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5 [ 0.361525] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access [ 0.370023] HugeTLB registered 2.00 MiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages [ 0.376130] ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device) [ 0.380012] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device) [ 0.384005] ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions) [ 0.388005] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device) [ 0.392022] ACPI: Added _OSI(Linux-Dell-Video) [ 0.405081] ACPI: Interpreter enabled [ 0.408013] ACPI: (supports S0 S5) [ 0.412028] ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing [ 0.416578] PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug [ 0.420526] ACPI: Enabled 1 GPEs in block 00 to 0F [ 0.464934] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff]) [ 0.468012] acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC: OS supports [ASPM ClockPM Segments MSI] [ 0.472014] acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM [ 0.476019] acpi PNP0A03:00: fail to add MMCONFIG information, can't access extended PCI configuration space under this bridge. [ 0.480679] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 0.484008] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xfe0000000-0xfffffffff window] [ 0.488008] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0x0cf7 window] [ 0.492007] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0d00-0xffff window] [ 0.496007] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window] [ 0.500028] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xf8000000-0xfffbffff window] [ 0.504008] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 0.549551] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x10: [io 0x01f0-0x01f7] [ 0.552007] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x14: [io 0x03f6] [ 0.556006] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x18: [io 0x0170-0x0177] [ 0.560007] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x1c: [io 0x0376] [ 0.570030] * Found PM-Timer Bug on the chipset. Due to workarounds for a bug, [ 0.570030] * this clock source is slow. Consider trying other clock sources [ 0.586748] pci 0000:00:07.3: quirk: [io 0x0400-0x043f] claimed by PIIX4 ACPI [ 0.645052] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 *11 12 14 15) [ 0.648721] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.652891] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.656563] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.661230] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 0.664323] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: setting as boot VGA device [ 0.668000] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: VGA device added: decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none [ 0.668006] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: bridge control possible [ 0.672005] vgaarb: loaded [ 0.676055] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered [ 0.680004] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti [ 0.684040] PTP clock support registered [ 0.688062] EDAC MC: Ver: 3.0.0 [ 0.693985] hv_vmbus: Vmbus version:4.0 [ 0.696335] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing [ 0.700000] NetLabel: Initializing [ 0.700000] NetLabel: domain hash size = 128 [ 0.700000] NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 CALIPSO [ 0.700000] NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default [ 0.700698] clocksource: Switched to clocksource hyperv_clocksource_tsc_page [ 0.726088] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0 [ 0.733586] VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.739803] AppArmor: AppArmor Filesystem Enabled [ 0.745282] pnp: PnP ACPI init [ 0.761181] system 00:06: [io 0x01e0-0x01ef] has been reserved [ 0.768109] system 00:06: [io 0x0160-0x016f] has been reserved [ 0.773173] system 00:06: [io 0x0278-0x027f] has been reserved [ 0.779344] system 00:06: [io 0x0378-0x037f] has been reserved [ 0.785401] system 00:06: [io 0x0678-0x067f] has been reserved [ 0.792842] system 00:06: [io 0x0778-0x077f] has been reserved [ 0.800131] system 00:06: [io 0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved [ 0.813562] system 00:07: [io 0x0400-0x043f] has been reserved [ 0.819827] system 00:07: [io 0x0370-0x0371] has been reserved [ 0.827451] system 00:07: [io 0x0440-0x044f] has been reserved [ 0.832053] system 00:07: [mem 0xfec00000-0xfec00fff] could not be reserved [ 0.838311] system 00:07: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff] has been reserved [ 0.843037] system 00:08: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved [ 0.846984] system 00:08: [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff] could not be reserved [ 0.851582] system 00:08: [mem 0x000e0000-0x000fffff] could not be reserved [ 0.856102] system 00:08: [mem 0x00100000-0xf7ffffff] could not be reserved [ 0.860978] system 00:08: [mem 0xfffc0000-0xffffffff] has been reserved [ 0.868685] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 9 devices [ 0.880986] clocksource: acpi_pm: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 2085701024 ns [ 0.887499] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 0.891015] TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) [ 0.896694] TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) [ 0.903838] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192) [ 0.909456] UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.916659] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.922426] NET: Registered protocol family 1 [ 0.926249] pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers [ 0.934771] pci 0000:00:08.0: Video device with shadowed ROM at [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff] [ 0.942158] Unpacking initramfs... [ 1.261705] Freeing initrd memory: 13088K [ 1.271295] PCI-DMA: Using software bounce buffering for IO (SWIOTLB) [ 1.280358] software IO TLB [mem 0x3a600000-0x3e600000] (64MB) mapped at [ (ptrval)- (ptrval)] [ 1.291099 ] clocksource: tsc: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x3984de7b583, max_idle_ns: 881590633483 ns [ 1.298135] Scanning for low memory corruption every 60 seconds [ 1.303998] Initialise system trusted keyrings [ 1.309455] Key type blacklist registered [ 1.314864] workingset: timestamp_bits=36 max_order=18 bucket_order=0 [ 1.324908] zbud: loaded [ 1.333419] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher [ 1.346547] fuse init (API version 7.26) [ 1.354653] Key type asymmetric registered [ 1.362794] Asymmetric key parser 'x509' registered [ 1.371700] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 244) [ 1.379262] io scheduler noop registered (default) [ 1.385978] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0 [ 1.393185] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF] [ 1.400127] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 32 ports, IRQ sharing enabled [ 1.431722] 00:03: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A [ 1.462855] 00:04: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A [ 0.000000] Linux version 4.15.0-1018-azure (buildd@lgw01-amd64-021) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10)) #18~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 19 13:13:57 UTC 2018 (Ubuntu 4.15.0-1018.18~16.04.1-azure 4.15.18) [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1018-azure root=PARTUUID=927a77ea-01 ro console=tty1 console=ttyS0 [ 0.000000] KERNEL supported cpus: [ 0.000000] Intel GenuineIntel [ 0.000000] AMD AuthenticAMD [ 0.000000] Centaur CentaurHauls [ 0.000000] x86/fpu: x87 FPU will use FXSAVE [ 0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map: [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000e0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff] usable [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003fff0000-0x000000003fffefff] ACPI data [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000003ffff000-0x000000003fffffff] ACPI NVS [ 0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active [ 0.000000] SMBIOS 2.3 present. [ 0.000000] DMI: Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine/Virtual Machine, BIOS 090006 04/28/2016 [ 0.000000] Hypervisor detected: Microsoft Hyper-V [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: features 0x2e7f, hints 0xc2c [ 0.000000] Hyper-V Host Build:14393-10.0-2-0.2035 [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: LAPIC Timer Frequency: 0xc3500 [ 0.000000] tsc: Marking TSC unstable due to running on Hyper-V [ 0.000000] Hyper-V: Using ext hypercall for remote TLB flush [ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x3fff0 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000 [ 0.000000] x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB WC UC- UC WB WP UC- WT [ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000ff780-0x000ff78f] mapped at [ (ptrval)] [ 0.000000] Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption [ 0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x36660000-0x37327fff] [ 0.000000] ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F56F0 000014 (v00 ACPIAM) [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDT 0x000000003FFF0000 000040 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x000000003FFF0200 000081 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x000000003FFF1724 0033BE (v01 MSFTVM MSFTVM02 00000002 INTL 02002026) [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x000000003FFFF000 000040 [ 0.000000] ACPI: WAET 0x000000003FFF1480 000028 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: SLIC 0x000000003FFF14C0 000176 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: OEM0 0x000000003FFF16C0 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT 0x000000003FFF0600 0000E0 (v02 VRTUAL MICROSFT 00000001 MSFT 00000001) [ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x000000003FFF0300 000252 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] ACPI: OEMB 0x000000003FFFF040 000064 (v01 VRTUAL MICROSFT 04001628 MSFT 00000097) [ 0.000000] SRAT: PXM 0 -> APIC 0x00 -> Node 0 [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x00000000-0x3fffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x40200000-0xf7ffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x100000000-0xfdfffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] ACPI: SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 [mem 0x1000000000-0xffffffffff] hotplug [ 0.000000] NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x3ffc5000-0x3ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Zone ranges: [ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff] [ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Normal empty [ 0.000000] Device empty [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000003ffeffff] [ 0.000000] Reserved but unavailable: 98 pages [ 0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x408 [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0xff] dfl dfl lint[0x1]) [ 0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 0, version 17, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23 [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl) [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level) [ 0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information [ 0.000000] smpboot: Allowing 1 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs [ 0.000000] e820: [mem 0x40000000-0xffffffff] available for PCI devices [ 0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware [ 0.000000] clocksource: refined-jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645519600211568 ns [ 0.000000] random: get_random_bytes called from start_kernel+0x99/0x51b with crng_init=0 [ 0.000000] setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:8192 nr_cpumask_bits:1 nr_cpu_ids:1 nr_node_ids:1 [ 0.000000] percpu: Embedded 45 pages/cpu @ (ptrval) s147456 r8192 d28672 u2097152 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 257913 [ 0.000000] Policy zone: DMA32 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1018-azure root=PARTUUID=927a77ea-01 ro console=tty1 console=ttyS0 [ 0.000000] Memory: 926704K/1048120K available (12300K kernel code, 2283K rwdata, 3972K rodata, 2248K init, 2372K bss, 121416K reserved, 0K cma-reserved) [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1 [ 0.000000] Kernel/User page tables isolation: enabled [ 0.000000] ftrace: allocating 37806 entries in 148 pages [ 0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=8192 to nr_cpu_ids=1. [ 0.000000] Tasks RCU enabled. [ 0.000000] RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=1 [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 524544, nr_irqs: 256, preallocated irqs: 16 [ 0.000000] Console: colour VGA+ 80x25 [ 0.000000] console [tty1] enabled [ 0.000000] console [ttyS0] enabled [ 0.000000] ACPI: Core revision 20170831 [ 0.000000] ACPI: 1 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded [ 0.000000] APIC: Switch to symmetric I/O mode setup [ 0.004000] clocksource: hyperv_clocksource_tsc_page: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x24e6a1710, max_idle_ns: 440795202120 ns [ 0.088000] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1 [ 0.092000] tsc: Detected 1995.191 MHz processor [ 0.092000] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 3990.38 BogoMIPS (lpj=7980764) [ 0.096006] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.100051] Security Framework initialized [ 0.104000] Yama: becoming mindful. [ 0.104039] AppArmor: AppArmor initialized [ 0.108000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes) [ 0.108101] Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) [ 0.112022] Mount-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.116000] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.116504] CPU: Physical P rocessor ID: 0 [ 0.120332] mce: CPU supports 1 MCE banks [ 0.124104] Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 8, 4MB 8 [ 0.128004] Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 32, 4MB 32, 1GB 0 [ 0.132005] Spectre V2 : Mitigation: Full generic retpoline [ 0.136003] Speculative Store Bypass: Vulnerable [ 0.178989] Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 36K [ 0.184837] smpboot: CPU0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430L 0 @ 2.00GHz (family: 0x6, model: 0x2d, stepping: 0x7) [ 0.188092] Performance Events: unsupported p6 CPU model 45 no PMU driver, software events only. [ 0.192061] Hierarchical SRCU implementation. [ 0.196750] NMI watchdog: Perf event create on CPU 0 failed with -2 [ 0.200004] NMI watchdog: Perf NMI watchdog permanently disabled [ 0.204060] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ... [ 0.208005] smp: Brought up 1 node, 1 CPU [ 0.212004] smpboot: Max logical packages: 1 [ 0.216006] smpboot: Total of 1 processors activated (3990.38 BogoMIPS) [ 0.224219] devtmpfs: initialized [ 0.228104] x86/mm: Memory block size: 128MB [ 0.232245] evm: security.selinux [ 0.236008] evm: security.SMACK64 [ 0.240005] evm: security.SMACK64EXEC [ 0.244004] evm: security.SMACK64TRANSMUTE [ 0.248004] evm: security.SMACK64MMAP [ 0.252004] evm: security.apparmor [ 0.256004] evm: security.ima [ 0.260004] evm: security.capability [ 0.264150] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645041785100000 ns [ 0.268015] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.272069] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.276261] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.280112] audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled) [ 0.284198] cpuidle: using governor ladder [ 0.292012] audit: type=2000 audit(1644402750.284:1): state=initialized audit_enabled=0 res=1 [ 0.296009] cpuidle: using governor menu [ 0.300057] ACPI: bus type PCI registered [ 0.304005] acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5 [ 0.309377] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access [ 0.313588] HugeTLB registered 2.00 MiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages [ 0.316279] ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device) [ 0.320029] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device) [ 0.324006] ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions) [ 0.328005] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device) [ 0.332015] ACPI: Added _OSI(Linux-Dell-Video) [ 0.342863] ACPI: Interpreter enabled [ 0.344012] ACPI: (supports S0 S5) [ 0.348004] ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing [ 0.352042] PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug [ 0.356572] ACPI: Enabled 1 GPEs in block 00 to 0F [ 0.400773] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff]) [ 0.404010] acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC: OS supports [ASPM ClockPM Segments MSI] [ 0.408011] acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM [ 0.412017] acpi PNP0A03:00: fail to add MMCONFIG information, can't access extended PCI configuration space under this bridge. [ 0.416444] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 0.420028] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xfe0000000-0xfffffffff window] [ 0.424007] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0x0cf7 window] [ 0.428006] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0d00-0xffff window] [ 0.432008] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window] [ 0.436007] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xf8000000-0xfffbffff window] [ 0.440007] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 0.479416] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x10: [io 0x01f0-0x01f7] [ 0.480007] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x14: [io 0x03f6] [ 0.484007] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x18: [io 0x0170-0x0177] [ 0.488006] pci 0000:00:07.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x1c: [io 0x0376] [ 0.497668] * Found PM-Timer Bug on the chipset. Due to workarounds for a bug, [ 0.497668] * this clock source is slow. Consider trying other clock sources [ 0.510053] pci 0000: 00:07.3: quirk: [io 0x0400-0x043f] claimed by PIIX4 ACPI [ 0.559077] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 *11 12 14 15) [ 0.564871] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.568853] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.576844] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled. [ 0.581224] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 0.584309] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: setting as boot VGA device [ 0.588000] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: VGA device added: decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none [ 0.588006] pci 0000:00:08.0: vgaarb: bridge control possible [ 0.592004] vgaarb: loaded [ 0.596051] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered [ 0.600004] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti [ 0.604018] PTP clock support registered [ 0.608065] EDAC MC: Ver: 3.0.0 [ 0.616703] hv_vmbus: Vmbus version:4.0 [ 0.620121] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing [ 0.624712] NetLabel: Initializing [ 0.628518] NetLabel: domain hash size = 128 [ 0.632014] NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 CALIPSO [ 0.636038] NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default [ 0.640154] clocksource: Switched to clocksource hyperv_clocksource_tsc_page [ 0.659414] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0 [ 0.663808] VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.668473] AppArmor: AppArmor Filesystem Enabled [ 0.673052] pnp: PnP ACPI init [ 0.684994] system 00:06: [io 0x01e0-0x01ef] has been reserved [ 0.689946] system 00:06: [io 0x0160-0x016f] has been reserved [ 0.694285] system 00:06: [io 0x0278-0x027f] has been reserved [ 0.698604] system 00:06: [io 0x0378-0x037f] has been reserved [ 0.702876] system 00:06: [io 0x0678-0x067f] has been reserved [ 0.707591] system 00:06: [io 0x0778-0x077f] has been reserved [ 0.712544] system 00:06: [io 0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved [ 0.717142] system 00:07: [io 0x0400-0x043f] has been reserved [ 0.721533] system 00:07: [io 0x0370-0x0371] has been reserved [ 0.726134] system 00:07: [io 0x0440-0x044f] has been reserved [ 0.730455] system 00:07: [mem 0xfec00000-0xfec00fff] could not be reserved [ 0.734896] system 00:07: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff] has been reserved [ 0.739747] system 00:08: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved [ 0.744612] system 00:08: [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff] could not be reserved [ 0.749032] system 00:08: [mem 0x000e0000-0x000fffff] could not be reserved [ 0.754175] system 00:08: [mem 0x00100000-0xf7ffffff] could not be reserved [ 0.758670] system 00:08: [mem 0xfffc0000-0xffffffff] has been reserved [ 0.763867] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 9 devices [ 0.775182] clocksource: acpi_pm: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 2085701024 ns [ 0.780367] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 0.784236] TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) [ 0.788965] TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) [ 0.793657] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192) [ 0.799427] UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.805185] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.810139] NET: Registered protocol family 1 [ 0.815652] pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers [ 0.822091] pci 0000:00:08.0: Video device with shadowed ROM at [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff] [ 0.828239] Unpacking initramfs... [ 1.131694] Freeing initrd memory: 13088K [ 1.136259] PCI-DMA: Using software bounce buffering for IO (SWIOTLB) [ 1.141080] software IO TLB [mem 0x3a600000-0x3e600000] (64MB) mapped at [ (ptrval)- (ptrval)] [ 1.147039] clocksource: tsc: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x3984de7b583, max_idle_ns: 881590633483 ns [ 1.152586] Scanning for low memory corruption every 60 seconds [ 1.158297] Initialise system trusted keyrings [ 1.162754] Key type blacklist registered [ 1.166985] workingset: timestamp_bits=36 max_order=18 bucket_order=0 [ 1.173828] zbud: loaded [ 1.178505] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher [ 1.183281] fuse init (API version 7.26) [ 1.189215] Key type asymmetric registered [ 1.193304] Asymmetric key parser 'x509' registered [ 1.197592] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 244) [ 1.202239] io scheduler noop registered (default) [ 1.207733] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0 [ 1.225364] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF] [ 1.230235] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 32 ports, IRQ sharing enabled [ 1.259011] 00:03: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A [ 1.289092] 00:04: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A [ 1.296377] Linux agpgart interface v0.103 [ 1.302480] loop: module loaded [ 1.306541] hv_vmbus: registering driver hv_storvsc [ 1.314654] scsi host0: storvsc_host_t [ 1.323768] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access Msft Virtual Disk 1.0 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 [ 1.334030] random: fast init done [ 1.337947] scsi host1: storvsc_host_t [ 1.346601] sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0 [ 1.352796] ata_piix 0000:00:07.1: Hyper-V Virtual Machine detected, ATA device ignore set [ 1.364291] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 2080768 512-byte logical blocks: (1.07 GB/1016 MiB) [ 1.372165] scsi host2: ata_piix [ 1.376793] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off [ 1.381669] scsi host3: ata_piix [ 1.385696] ata1: PATA max UDMA/33 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xffa0 irq 14 [ 1.390669] ata2: PATA max UDMA/33 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xffa8 irq 15 [ 1.396080] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA [ 1.411801] libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed [ 1.416099] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6 [ 1.420444] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 [ 1.425581] i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:PS2K,PNP0f03:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12 [ 1.448704] serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1 [ 1.452909] sda: sda1 [ 1.457873] serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 [ 1.462524] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice [ 1.468280] rtc_cmos 00:00: RTC can wake from S4 [ 1.498584] rtc_cmos 00:00: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0 [ 1.507811] input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1 [ 1.516254] rtc_cmos 00:00: alarms up to one month, 114 bytes nvram [ 1.522397] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk [ 1.528987] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3 [ 1.534220] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.37.0-ioctl (2017-09-20) initialised: dm-devel@redhat.com [ 1.540764] NET: Registered protocol family 10 [ 1.551922] Segment Routing with IPv6 [ 1.556145] NET: Registered protocol family 17 [ 1.560264] Key type dns_resolver registered [ 2.464271] RAS: Correctable Errors collector initialized. [ 2.469628] registered taskstats version 1 [ 2.474862] Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates [ 2.483615] Loaded X.509 cert 'Build time autogenerated kernel key: aff4079af16f4619e3b7b2cd46b8d3777d9de144' [ 2.489844] zswap: loaded using pool lzo/zbud [ 2.499327] Key type big_key registered [ 2.504333] Key type trusted registered [ 2.511306] Key type encrypted registered [ 2.515818] AppArmor: AppArmor sha1 policy hashing enabled [ 2.520744] ima: No TPM chip found, activating TPM-bypass! (rc=-19) [ 2.525506] evm: HMAC attrs: 0x1 [ 2.660199] rtc_cmos 00:00: setting system clock to 2022-02-09 10:32:33 UTC (1644402753) [ 2.665981] BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 0 devices found [ 2.671070] EDD information not available. [ 3.077308] ata2.00: ATAPI: Virtual CD, , max MWDMA2 [ 3.090219] ata2.00: configured for MWDMA2 [ 3.108153] scsi 3:0:0:0: CD-ROM Msft Virtual CD/ROM 1.0 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 [ 3.125288] sr 3:0:0:0: [sr0] scsi3-mmc drive: 0x/0x tray [ 3.130553] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20 [ 3.138785] sr 3:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 t ype 5 [ 3.148369] Freeing unused kernel memory: 2248K [ 3.160323] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 18432k [ 3.165545] Freeing unused kernel memory: 2008K [ 3.170131] Freeing unused kernel memory: 124K [ 3.185044] x86/mm: Checked W+X mappings: passed, no W+X pages found. [ 3.189772] x86/mm: Checking user space page tables [ 3.206041] x86/mm: Checked W+X mappings: passed, no W+X pages found. Loading, please wait... starting version 229 [ 3.263874] random: udevadm: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.270819] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.275580] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.280240] random: udevadm: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.286009] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.292065] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.309144] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.317724] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.324255] random: udevadm: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.329452] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read) [ 3.474003] hv_utils: Registering HyperV Utility Driver [ 3.478459] hv_vmbus: registering driver hv_util [ 3.491723] hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina [ 3.498550] hv_vmbus: registering driver hv_netvsc [ 3.508376] hv_vmbus: registering driver hyperv_keyboard [ 3.525166] input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A03:00/device:07/VMBUS:01/d34b2567-b9b6-42b9-8778-0a4ec0b955bf/serio2/input/input3 [ 3.549140] hv_vmbus: registering driver hid_hyperv [ 3.676263] hv_utils: Heartbeat IC version 3.0 [ 3.689939] input: Microsoft Vmbus HID-compliant Mouse as /devices/0006:045E:0621.0001/input/input4 [ 3.706216] hid 0006:045E:0621.0001: input: HID v0.01 Mouse [Microsoft Vmbus HID-compliant Mouse] on [ 3.729902] hv_utils: Shutdown IC version 3.0 [ 3.742270] hv_utils: TimeSync IC version 4.0 [ 3.748444] hv_utils: VSS IC version 5.0 Begin: Loading essential drivers ... [ 3.884034] raid6: sse2x1 gen() 4959 MB/s [ 3.936033] raid6: sse2x1 xor() 3899 MB/s [ 3.988036] raid6: sse2x2 gen() 6236 MB/s [ 4.040032] raid6: sse2x2 xor() 4056 MB/s [ 4.092024] raid6: sse2x4 gen() 7305 MB/s [ 4.144031] raid6: sse2x4 xor() 5369 MB/s [ 4.148647] raid6: using algorithm sse2x4 gen() 7305 MB/s [ 4.153430] raid6: .... xor() 5369 MB/s, rmw enabled [ 4.159038] raid6: using intx1 recovery algorithm [ 4.167179] xor: measuring software checksum speed [ 4.208030] prefetch64-sse: 10088.000 MB/sec [ 4.252032] generic_sse: 9216.000 MB/sec [ 4.256705] xor: using function: prefetch64-sse (10088.000 MB/sec) [ 4.264466] async_tx: api initialized (async) done. Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ... done. Begin: Mounting root file system ... Begin: Running /scripts/local-top ... done. Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount ... [ 4.428356] Btrfs loaded, crc32c=crc32c-generic Scanning for Btrfs filesystems done. Warning: fsck not present, so skipping root file system [ 4.591075] EXT4-fs (sda1): INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem [ 4.597112] EXT4-fs (sda1): write access will be enabled during recovery [ 4.667017] EXT4-fs (sda1): recovery complete [ 4.675910] EXT4-fs (sda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) done. Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ... done. Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done. [ 4.883285] systemd[1]: systemd 229 running in system mode. (+PAM +AUDIT +SELINUX +IMA +APPARMOR +SMACK +SYSVINIT +UTMP +LIBCRYPTSETUP +GCRYPT +GNUTLS +ACL +XZ -LZ4 +SECCOMP +BLKID +ELFUTILS +KMOD -IDN) [ 4.890837] systemd[1]: Detected virtualization microsoft. [ 4.895984] systemd[1]: Detected architecture x86-64. Welcome to [1mUbuntu 16.04.4 LTS[0m! [ 4.932114] systemd[1]: Set hostname to . [ 5.196640] systemd[1]: Listening on udev Kernel Socket. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on udev Kernel Socket. [ 5.242948] systemd[1]: Started Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch. [ 5.292555] systemd[1]: Reached target Encrypted Volumes. [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Encrypted Volumes. [ 5.340110] systemd[1]: Listening on udev Control Socket. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on udev Control Socket. [ 5.386824] systemd[1]: Listening on Journal Audit Socket. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on Journal Audit Socket. [ 5.433672] systemd[1]: Created slice System Slice. [[0;32m OK [0m] Created slice System Slice. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on Device-mapper event daemon FIFOs. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on /dev/initctl Compatibility Named Pipe. [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Swap. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on LVM2 poll daemon socket. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on Journal Socket (/dev/log). [[0;32m OK [0m] Set up automount Arbitrary Executab...ats File System Automount Point. [[0;32m OK [0m] Created slice system-getty.slice. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on Journal Socket. Starting Load Kernel Modules... Starting Create list of required st... nodes for the current kernel...[ 5.921168] Loading iSCSI transport class v2.0-870. Starting Journal Service...[ 5.964503] iscsi: registered transport (tcp) Starting Remount Root and Kernel File Systems...[ 6.006698] iscsi: registered transport (iser) Mounting POSIX Message Queue File System... Mounting Huge Pages File System... Mounting Debug File System...[ 6.148497] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: (null) [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch. [[0;32m OK [0m] Created slice system-serial\x2dgetty.slice. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on LVM2 metadata daemon socket. Starting Monitoring of LVM2 mirrors... dmeventd or progress polling... [[0;32m OK [0m] Created slice User and Session Slice. [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Slices. [[0;32m OK [0m] Mounted Debug File System. [[0;32m OK [0m] Mounted POSIX Message Queue File System. [[0;32m OK [0m] Mounted Huge Pages File System. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Journal Service. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Load Kernel Modules. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Create list of required sta...ce nodes for the current kernel. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Remount Root and Kernel File Systems. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started LVM2 metadata daemon. Starting Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking)... Starting udev Coldplug all Devices... Starting Load/Save Random Seed... Starting Create Static Device Nodes in /dev... Mounting Configuration File System... Starting Apply Kernel Variables... Mounting FUSE Control File System... Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [[0;32m OK [0m] Mounted FUSE Control File System. [[0;32m OK [0m] Mounted Configuration File System. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Monitoring of LVM2 mirrors,...ng dmeventd or progress polling. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Create Static Device Nodes in /dev. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Apply Kernel Variables. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started udev Coldplug all Devices. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting udev Kernel Device Manager... [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Local File Systems (Pre). [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting LSB: AppArmor initialization... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... [[0;32m OK [0m] Started udev Kernel Device Manager. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Network Time Synchronization. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started LSB: AppArmor initialization. [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target System Time Sync hronized. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [[0;32m OK [0m] Found device /dev/ttyS0. [[0;32m OK [0m] Listening on Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status /dev/rfkill Watch. [ 10.760676] cloud-init[330]: Cloud-init v. 18.2 running 'init-local' at Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:40 +0000. Up 9.58 seconds. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking). [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Network (Pre). Starting Raise network interfaces... [[0;1;31mFAILED[0m] Failed to start Raise network interfaces. See 'systemctl status networking.service' for details. [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Network. Starting Initial cloud-init job (metadata service crawler)... [ 14.599651] cloud-init[623]: Cloud-init v. 18.2 running 'init' at Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:43 +0000. Up 11.79 seconds. [ 14.693023] cloud-init[623]: ci-info: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++Net device info++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[[0;32m OK [0m] Started Initial cloud-init job (metadata service crawler).[ 14.791795] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0mci-info: +--------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------+-------------------+] Reached target Cloud-config availability.[ 14.880933] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0mci-info: | Device | Up | Address | Mask | Scope | Hw-Address |] Reached target System Initialization. [ 14.977946] cloud-init[623]: [ci-info: +--------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------+-------------------+[0;32m OK [0m ] Started ACPI Events Check.[ 15.057124] cloud-init[623]: [[0;32m OK [0mci-info: | eth0 | False | . | . | . | fa:16:3e:07:12:45 |] Reached target Paths. [ 15.154080] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0mci-info: | lo | True | | | . | . |] Started Daily apt download activities. [ 15.242308] cloud-init[[0;32m OK [0m[623]: ] ci-info: | lo | True | ::1/128 | . | host | . |Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [[ 15.336844] cloud-init[0;32m OK [0m[623]: ] ci-info: +--------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------+-------------------+Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [[0;32m OK [0m[ 15.445594] ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories.cloud-init[623]: Generating public/private rsa key pair.[ [0;32m OK [0m[ 15.528153] ] cloud-initReached target Timers.[623]: Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.[ [0;32m OK [0m] [ 15.622432] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket.cloud-init [623]: [Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub.[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 15.708607] Reached target Sockets.cloud-init[623]: The key fingerprint is:[[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 15.789087] Reached target Basic System.cloud-init[623]: SHA256:KFhtS6rRio+A3QIPZrD9BFWoaFCZLmyCwLzz2BhNivc root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516[[0;32m OK [0m ] Started Deferred execution scheduler.[ 15.895518] cloud-init [623]: [The key's randomart image is:[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 15.974401] cloud-initStarted D-Bus System Message Bus.[623]: +---[RSA 2048]----+ [ 16.046369] cloud-init[623]: |o..o.o. | [ 16.090526] cloud-init[623]: |oooo.. | [ 16.135591] cloud-init[623]: |Bo*.. + | [ 16.180340] [cloud-init[0;32m OK [0m[623]: |B@+* + o |] Started ACPI event daemon. [ 16.264322] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0m|B=@.= o S |] Started Regular background program processing daemon.[ 16.346545] cloud-init[[623]: |+O XE. |[0;32m OK [0m ] Started Unattended Upgrades Shutdown.[ 16.428550] cloud-init [623]: |+ * o |Starting LSB: MD monitoring daemon... [ 16.511297] cloud-initStarting Login Service...[623]: |.o . | Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB...[ 16.605235] cloud-init [623]: [|. . |[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 16.681628] Reached target Network is Online.cloud-init [623]: +----[SHA256]-----+Starting Apply the settings specified in cloud-config... [ 16.792199] cloud -init [623]: Generating public/private dsa key pair.Starting iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid)... [ 16.896196] cloud-init [623]: Starting /etc/rc.local Compatibility...Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key. [ 17.003170] cloud-initStarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...[623]: Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub. [ [0;32m OK [0m[ 17.136196] ] cloud-initStarted /etc/rc.local Compatibility.[623]: The key fingerprint is: [[0;32m OK [0m[ 17.264197] ] cloud-initStarted iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid).[623]: SHA256:ghHpdPe3ZclNlWhCg0n8B9FUFwf06V0NbChwWGG23Bw root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 [[0;32m OK [0m [ 17.400269] ] cloud-initStarted OpenBSD Secure Shell server.[623]: The key's randomart image is: [ 17.512197] cloud-init[623]: [+---[DSA 1024]----+[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 17.648218] Started LSB: MD monitoring daemon.cloud-init[623]: | .. +=X=E=*+B|[[0;32m OK [0m ] [ 17.767095] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB.cloud-init[623]: | o.. oO.*o=o+*| [[ 17.889019] [0;32m OK [0m] cloud-initStarted Login Service.[623]: | o.. . .+.*o =+| [ 18.008964] Starting Login to default iSCSI targets... cloud-init[623]: | .o ....* +| [[0;32m OK [0m[ 18.168191] cloud-init] [623]: Started Login to default iSCSI targets.| . . S ..+ ..| [ 18.264178] [cloud-init[623]: [0;32m OK [0m| . . |] Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre).[ 18.377007] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0m| |] Reached target Remote File Systems.[ 18.463805] cloud-init[623]: | |Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... [ 18.599837] cloud-initStarting Permit User Sessions...[623]: | | Starting LSB: Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor to "ondemand"...[ 18.732212] cloud-init[623]: +----[SHA256]-----+[ [0;32m OK [0m[ 18.840192] ] cloud-initStarted Permit User Sessions.[623]: Generating public/private ecdsa key pair. [ 18.952335] [cloud-init[0;32m OK [0m[623]: ] Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.Started LSB: Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor to "ondemand". [ 19.093208] [cloud-init[623]: [0;32m OK [0mYour public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub.] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ 19.201713] cloud-init[623]: [The key fingerprint is:[0;32m OK [0m] Started Getty on tty1.[ 19.298531] cloud-init[623]: [SHA256:pjjL3/oxlZRuaJXtYzoqODUIDX/ErY1qdBkj4qBZ03M root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516[0;32m OK [0m] Started Serial Getty on ttyS0. [ 19.405163] [cloud-init[0;32m OK [0m[623]: ] The key's randomart image is:Reached target Login Prompts. [ 19.490942] cloud-init[623]: [[0;32m OK [0m+---[ECDSA 256]---+] Reached target Multi-User System.[ 19.579146] cloud-init[[623]: [0;32m OK [0m| . . . | ] [ 19.658527] Reached target Graphical Interface.cloud-init [623]: |. = + E . + | Starting Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes...[ 19.745878] cloud-init [623]: |.= * = B = . | [ 19.807467] cloud-init[623]: |o o + * .= o |[ [0;32m OK [0m[ 19.867713] ] cloud-initStarted Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.[623]: | o = S = + | [ 19.945231] cloud-init[623]: | +.o+ o o . | [ 19.988707] cloud-init[623]: | .oo..o o | [ 20.030535] cloud-init[623]: | .oo.. + . | [ 20.073608] cloud-init[623]: | ooo++ | [ 20.119757] cloud-init[623]: +----[SHA256]-----+ [ 20.163537] cloud-init[623]: Generating public/private ed25519 key pair. [ 20.207747] cloud-init[623]: Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key. [ 20.256682] cloud-init[623]: Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub. [ 20.306989] cloud-init[623]: The key fingerprint is: [ 20.349318] cloud-init[623]: SHA256:5vrXINmuWrhR5cgbfDfYJf8Pa22gAEaG/oRGt+dtir8 root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 [ 20.400434] cloud-init[623]: The key's randomart image is: [ 20.442070] cloud-init[623]: +--[ED25519 256]--+ [ 20.485499] cloud-init[623]: | . | [ 20.536192] cloud-init[623]: | o + | [ 20.580445] cloud-init[623]: | o = .. . . | [ 20.629414] cloud-init[623]: | +o=+.o + | [ 20.671089] cloud-init[623]: | . +S*+.+ . | [ 20.713192] cloud-init[623]: | =++=.o... | [ 20.754950] cloud-init[623]: | o ++ * ..o.| [ 20.796877] cloud-init[623]: | =. + o .o+| [ 20.842351] cloud-init[623]: | +oo+E. ....| [ 20.883594] cloud-init[623]: +----[SHA256]-----+ [ 22.284651] cloud-init[710]: Cloud-init v. 18.2 running 'modules:config' at Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:49 +0000. Up 18.47 seconds. [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Apply the settings specified in cloud-config. Starting Execute cloud user/final scripts... [ 23.547368] cloud-init[787]: Printing ubuntu user authorized keys [ 23.595342] cloud-init[787]: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC+a1KYdQQeOzHMjyEKTxY/cjuWJinfJ51pmA1+obdQOrBqTQVREqpWz0wrgvnoxsuj+XhcqFmeus/uWOGJOEGhb78j9p0wTWvDHyADGH2JZm2Gd4Lf1Z15MaxoLyuKM7anVc3CUkFw/9Qb2SkYbGU8eG3ONGKGEB/KvKwr1DRdzMVyM789z4aNRafbegMoSeFz7E6kF2oI35T6270Wy6DU3GmhGmaZOo7MZLXw6nfl4JhBGcjLhjW89z2dTFONU+IvfK/VagoL7Gd/FRL0OjsYS+M8S/N2vegMrrb84IJ+DTVVmmTfYmXclJ+sVZkrl5KwUOxrs/WlUcWEYtSepSer Generated-by-Nova ci-info: ++++++++++Authorized keys from /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys for user ubuntu+++++++++++ ci-info: +---------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-------------------+ ci-info: | Keytype | Fingerprint (md5) | Options | Comment | ci-info: +---------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-------------------+ ci-info: | ssh-rsa | cc:d9:46:17:e0:4f:28:03:78:fe:81:2a:67:2f:c7:0a | - | Generated-by-Nova | ci-info: +---------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+-------------------+ <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: ############################################################# <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: -----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS----- <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: 1024 SHA256:ghHpdPe3ZclNlWhCg0n8B9FUFwf06V0NbChwWGG23Bw root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 (DSA) <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: 256 SHA256:pjjL3/oxlZRuaJXtYzoqODUIDX/ErY1qdBkj4qBZ03M root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 (ECDSA) <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: 256 SHA256:5vrXINmuWrhR5cgbfDfYJf8Pa22gAEaG/oRGt+dtir8 root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 (ED25519) <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: 2048 SHA256:KFhtS6rRio+A3QIPZrD9BFWoaFCZLmyCwLzz2BhNivc root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 (RSA) <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: -----END SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS----- <14>Feb 9 10:32:55 ec2: ############################################################# -----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY KEYS----- ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBErTs07uvEATeOggPPUxJRKpf5QNgJgKTMfsBJmwO5K3fChAVdQH5lD42IAVdXS4Ch4d1t5DGKPKOo7VzPe7HRU= root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBg+511oH6aiLtA5xax9kAfTkDLwHzdyB5Y9HPMA1Y5E root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDfDotzURHCXH2zYEzyjP0bM5ODr7WV9JdBLf5DNDhtXvMn3sxFY9BUHs5Kf/Xc+QH3V44xnQtk8QMb3gO/aRF9/NdmRaT7Zvv1yS9oxY41PVHn6MmMjK/dq8Yrsoj9AwoEK6m4wVFrbM57hLC4QsoORMV/R474PVIltkxZaKtZ+Wnop6WC3JgluQT2okpigmhtkbhsPy+THpRzvZyn7uIu7igioPqi/YPP3pBNG5YHrOqzPO3nRrqgHBymC7POWBkUzDo4AbObTNKDIYO0j1wqk5//N1t+wR0m3BI+karDrOOdj3hmXVQhg4Hw7QWzUxswabsR1dlVQZ79mqX5Ward root@tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 -----END SSH HOST KEY KEYS----- [ 24.463013] cloud-init[787]: Cloud-init v. 18.2 running 'modules:final' at Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:54 +0000. Up 22.94 seconds. [ 24.560426] cloud-init[787]: Cloud-init v. 18.2 finished at Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:32:55 +0000. Datasource DataSourceConfigDrive [net,ver=2][source=/dev/sr0]. Up 24.34 seconds Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-7 46226516 ttyS0 tempest-serveractionstestjson-server-746226516 login: 2022-02-09 10:36:07,312 118295 INFO [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request (ServerActionsTestJSON:tearDown): 200 GET 1.042s 2022-02-09 10:36:07,313 118295 DEBUG [tempest.lib.common.rest_client] Request - Headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': ''} Body: None Response - Headers: {'date': 'Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:36:06 GMT', 'server': 'Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)', 'content-length': '1668', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'openstack-api-version': 'compute 2.1', 'x-openstack-nova-api-version': '2.1', 'vary': 'OpenStack-API-Version,X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'req-c5d4f217-51d3-47b4-aad3-9e2b3f5d7f46', 'x-compute-request-id': 'req-c5d4f217-51d3-47b4-aad3-9e2b3f5d7f46', 'connection': 'close', 'status': '200', 'content-location': ''} Body: b'{"server": {"id": "c8155bf8-00fe-461c-a72f-0cd4eb455668", "name": "tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-server-746226516", "status": "ACTIVE", "tenant_id": "44e1b99ee5bc4392b326fbbefd177fca", "user_id": "2bf6b25e07d848cdbd7361a139e4f103", "metadata": {}, "hostId": "4212522c52fbda05952210efe0059dbc4c425c3f1f9240230b871e74", "image": {"id": "621e838c-8ae1-4ede-b3ba-632b1367d04a", "links": [{"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "flavor": {"id": "452", "links": [{"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}]}, "created": "2022-02-09T10:31:00Z", "updated": "2022-02-09T10:32:28Z", "addresses": {"tempest-ServerActionsTestJSON-2102525123-network": [{"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}, {"version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating", "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:07:12:45"}]}, "accessIPv4": "", "accessIPv6": "", "links": [{"rel": "self", "href": ""}, {"rel": "bookmark", "href": ""}], "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL", "progress": 0, "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "nova", "config_drive": "True", "key_name": "tempest-keypair-523295260", "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": "2022-02-09T10:31:32.000000", "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at": null, "security_groups": [{"name": "tempest-securitygroup--1333723329"}], "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": null, "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active", "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 1, "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached": []}}' ====== Totals ====== Ran: 284 tests in 1245.9806 sec. - Passed: 278 - Skipped: 5 - Expected Fail: 0 - Unexpected Success: 0 - Failed: 1 Sum of execute time for each test: 3632.7908 sec. ============== Worker Balance ============== - Worker 0 (69 tests) => 0:20:41.998949 - Worker 1 (18 tests) => 0:12:50.882268 - Worker 2 (23 tests) => 0:05:04.054171 - Worker 3 (36 tests) => 0:07:59.043959 - Worker 4 (32 tests) => 0:04:26.357385 - Worker 5 (32 tests) => 0:06:24.639779 - Worker 6 (38 tests) => 0:04:16.227711 - Worker 7 (36 tests) => 0:09:12.155964 {0} tempest.api.compute.admin.test_servers_negative.ServersAdminNegativeTestJSON.test_resize_server_using_overlimit_ram [0.395364s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.compute.admin.test_servers_negative.ServersAdminNegativeTestJSON.test_resize_server_using_overlimit_vcpus [0.359997s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_delete_server.DeleteServersTestJSON.test_delete_server_while_in_verify_resize_state [47.228699s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_disk_config.ServerDiskConfigTestJSON.test_resize_server_from_auto_to_manual [45.028423s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_disk_config.ServerDiskConfigTestJSON.test_resize_server_from_manual_to_auto [43.261450s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_resize_server_confirm [27.479513s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_resize_server_confirm_from_stopped [56.624745s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_resize_server_revert [59.548501s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_resize_server_revert_with_volume_attached [98.321932s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_servers_negative.ServersNegativeTestJSON.test_resize_nonexistent_server [0.361635s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_servers_negative.ServersNegativeTestJSON.test_resize_server_with_non_existent_flavor [0.400759s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.compute.servers.test_servers_negative.ServersNegativeTestJSON.test_resize_server_with_null_flavor [0.354021s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_create_delete_subnet_all_attributes [1.225789s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_create_delete_subnet_with_allocation_pools [1.105387s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_create_delete_subnet_with_default_gw [0.655157s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_networks.NetworksIpV6Test.test_delete_network_with_subnet [1.180883s] ... ok {0} tempest.api.network.test_routers_negative.RoutersNegativeTest.test_router_add_gateway_net_not_external_returns_400 [0.964678s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_encrypted_cinder_volumes.TestEncryptedCinderVolumes.test_encrypted_cinder_volumes_cryptsetup [47.296183s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_encrypted_cinder_volumes.TestEncryptedCinderVolumes.test_encrypted_cinder_volumes_luks [45.531981s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_minimum_basic.TestMinimumBasicScenario.test_minimum_basic_scenario [132.099033s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_advanced_server_ops.TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.test_server_connectivity_pause_unpause [63.807099s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_advanced_server_ops.TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.test_server_connectivity_reboot [99.302228s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_advanced_server_ops.TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.test_server_connectivity_resize [112.277261s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_advanced_server_ops.TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.test_server_connectivity_stop_start [101.860425s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_network_advanced_server_ops.TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.test_server_connectivity_suspend_resume [62.827430s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_shelve_instance.TestShelveInstance.test_shelve_instance [246.729779s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_shelve_instance.TestShelveInstance.test_shelve_volume_backed_instance [291.528755s] ... ok {0} tempest.scenario.test_snapshot_pattern.TestSnapshotPattern.test_snapshot_pattern [278.913382s] ... ok ====== Totals ====== Ran: 28 tests in 2017.5329 sec. - Passed: 28 - Skipped: 0 - Expected Fail: 0 - Unexpected Success: 0 - Failed: 0 Sum of execute time for each test: 1866.6705 sec. ============== Worker Balance ============== - Worker 0 (28 tests) => 0:33:37.532901 tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_reboot_server_hard[id-2cb1baf6-ac8d-4429-bf0d-ba8a0ba53e32,smoke] ~ Exit code: 1